Original, amazing, beautiful indoor houseplants and flowers: choose by photo and name
A tasteful indoor plant will be a great addition to the decor. It will delight the home owner with its always fresh and beautiful view. The homemaster.techinfolux.com/en/ editorial team invites you to meet the most interesting, from a decorative and botanical point of view, green friends. So, we select indoor houseplants and flowers (photos and names will help you find a future tenant in a pot).
The content of the article
- 1 Group guide: Finding the best indoor flowers and plants with photos and names
- 1.1 What hangs or twists: ampelous indoor plants (photos and names in alphabetical order)
- 1.2 Bonsai is more than a botanical culture
- 1.3 The most beautiful of bromeliads: a catalog of home indoor flowers with photos and names
- 1.4 Decorative - deciduous indoor plants in your home
- 1.5 Trees and shrubs for the home: large-scale home decoration
- 1.6 All types of cacti for home cultivation: photos and names
- 1.7 Bulbous flowers not in the garden, but in the house: photos and names
- 1.8 Orchid varieties: photos and names of domestic queens
- 1.9 Spectacular decor with indoor palms: catalog with photos and titles
- 1.10 Ferns: a forest puzzle in the room
- 1.11 Fruiting indoor plants: a challenge to the florist
- 1.12 Succulents: varieties of unusual indoor plants
- 1.13 Predators in a pot: photos of indoor flowers and alphabetical names
- 1.14 Non-flowering beautiful indoor plants: photos and names
- 1.15 Photos and names of especially beautiful flowering indoor plants
- 2 How to choose plants for the house for suitable conditions
- 3 Video: the best indoor plants blooming in winter
Group guide: Finding the best indoor flowers and plants with photos and names
If you do not know what a flower is called, then it is very difficult to find information on caring for it. Therefore, we memorize the names of interesting specimens in order to get to know them in more detail later, and now we plunge into the review of green indoor pets.
What hangs or twists: ampelous indoor plants (photos and names in alphabetical order)
Here is a small list of popular ampel colors:
- dyschidia;
- zebrin;
- ivy;
- fuchsia;
- ceropegia;
- eschinanstus.
An interesting dyschidia is an epiphyte that naturally occurs in the tropics of Polynesia, India and Australia. Its aerial roots cling tenaciously to the trunks of strong plants, but at home the dyschidia will have to cling to the support.
Ceropegia came to our region from Africa and Asia. The name of the culture is translated from Greek as "candelabrum": the flowers of this vine really are somewhat similar to this object.
The ampelous epiphyte aeschinanthus lives in the forests of South Asia. Its branches do not exceed one meter. At home, the culture will require a bright, but protected from sunlight, place near the western or eastern windows.
Bonsai is more than a botanical culture
People who grow bonsai are kind to their pets. Often the business started by the parents is continued by the children and grandchildren. This is how the trees are passed down from generation to generation. Caring for them is painstaking. The most difficult thing is crown formation. This process takes years.
Portulacaria is grown as a bonsai. The tree was taken in the nature of South Africa.
A highly branched shrub gradually lignifies. In the wild, it can reach over 3.5 m in height. At home, when growing bonsai, this height is not required, but a mini-copy of a fellow from the wild is obtained. The shrub is beautiful not only in shape, but also in abundant flowering.
Ficus microcarpa is miniature, but it can please the owner in the house with fruits. Although this is possible only with careful observance of all the nuances of care.
For beginners with no experience in bonsai growing, this tree will be a difficult pet.
Serissa is an evergreen shrub that grows up to 60 cm in height. The curved trunk is very decorative, as are the oblong ellipsoidal leaves.
Serissa is very difficult to grow, only experienced flower growers take on it.
The most beautiful of bromeliads: a catalog of home indoor flowers with photos and names
If you want special ornamental plants for your home, then you should take a closer look at bromeliads.
The Ehmeya genus includes representatives of terrestrial and epiphytic plants. It is noteworthy that there are thorns on the edges of the leaves, and the leaves themselves are collected in a rosette.
Neoregelia reigns in the humid climate of the tropics. She inhabits Eastern Colombia, Peru, Brazil, settling in the forests.
The cryptanthus has no stem, and the rosette is not particularly spectacular, so this plant was nicknamed the "earthen star".
The flower gives the owners a lot of children after flowering, but the mother's rosette dies off.
Decorative - deciduous indoor plants in your home
Decorative - deciduous indoor plants (we will show you the photos and names below) do not bloom at all. Flowering is expressed inconspicuously, therefore their main decoration is in the color or shape of the foliage.
Large-rooted alocasia in nature can be three-meter high. But you shouldn't expect in an apartment of this size, not even close.The foliage is large, spectacular, and resembles an elephant's ears in shape.
Caladium belongs to the Aroid family. His homeland is the tropical rainforests of Latin America. The plant is unstable, as it actively grows only a few months a year. And you just need to wait out the quiet time.
Fittonias are beautiful and cute. This small plant is often planted around indoor trees as a groundcover. And sometimes they decorate them with gardens under glass (phytoterrariums, paludariums). But there are species that are compact bushes.
Trees and shrubs for the home: large-scale home decoration
Muraya of the Root family is an evergreen tree or shrub that has traveled around the world from India, Indochina, the islands of Java and Sumatra. Of the eight wild species, only exotic muraya grows in the house, which is also called paniculata or paniculata.
The plant blooms and surprises with fruits - berries. Moreover, flowers and berries can be present on the bush.
The Kutrov family gives your home such beauty as oleander. This crop can withstand heat due to the fact that it grows in soil with closely located groundwater. It follows from this that the pot should not dry out.
Attention! Oleander flowers are poisonous and cannot be inhaled!
Albizia from the Mimosov family, now the Bobovs, has a middle name "Constantinople acacia". In nature, the plant reaches 8 m, but in the house its growth is limited.
All types of cacti for home cultivation: photos and names
Cacti are divided into groups such as peres, opuntia and cereus. They have differences in structure, flowering, presence or absence of glochidia (modified leaves).
Indoor cacti are able to live well and bloom at home. This is a fairly large group of plants.
Bulbous flowers not in the garden, but in the house: photos and names
Indoor bulbous flowers are varied. Everyone chooses a representative of a vast culture. Excellent and convenient for home cultivation of clivia. It will bloom every year. If you take into account her watering requirements, and let her freeze a little in a cool room during the winter.
Amaryllis grow in well-lit areas. And during the dormant period, which falls on summer and early autumn, it is removed to the cellar.
Orchid varieties: photos and names of domestic queens
Orchid species can be distinguished in the photo by the leaves. Hence the different names and different nuances of care. These are the favorite indoor plants.Their bloom is abundant, long lasting and beautiful. Hybrids delight in their adaptability to home conditions. And wide availability makes it possible to grow many varieties of the miracle plant.
Spectacular decor with indoor palms: catalog with photos and titles
Palm trees easily and naturally add a light tropical touch to the interior of the home. Most palms are slow-witted and take a long time to grow, but as they grow, they look invariably beautiful and impressive.
Ferns: a forest puzzle in the room
Not many ferns agree to live in the house. Nephrolepsis is considered the king of domestic ferns due to its spreading and similarity to prehistoric ancestors.
Bright sunlight is not for ferns. These are the kings of diffused light and very light twilight. They are grown close to windows, where the sun's rays are excluded from the tender fern frond.
Fruiting indoor plants: a challenge to the florist
Small fruits of domestic plants can be not only an interesting decor in the interior, but also a completely edible item. You can grow mini chili peppers on the windowsill, which are edible. And also pomegranate, tangerines and lemons.
Succulents: varieties of unusual indoor plants
What are succulents, perhaps every grower should know. These plants have a decent supply of water in their tissues, as they naturally grow in rather arid regions. Many of them look like alien guests, so it makes sense to decorate the windowsill with them.
There are a lot of types of succulents, here are photos and names of the most original ones:
Predators in a pot: photos of indoor flowers and alphabetical names
Predatory plants take nutrients from more than just soil and moisture. They need a portion of insects and arachnids, which are trapped and digested there. Consider these exotic flowers in the photo with the names.
Non-flowering beautiful indoor plants: photos and names
Decorative non-flowering plants look very stylish in the interior. The choice is large and for every taste. This group can include decorative deciduous plants, some palms, trees.
One of the plants that do not bloom recommended for growing in the house is aspidistra.
Photos and names of especially beautiful flowering indoor plants
Now let's look at the blooming indoor flowers in the photo and find out their names.
Decorative blooming perennial flowers for home
The most interesting decorative flowering indoor plants are best seen in the photo and remember their names, which will help you find their description and learn the rules of care.
Decorative flowering annual indoor flowers in pots
An especially wonderful flower that can be considered an annual is gloxinia. A large selection of flower colors, velvety foliage are worth patiently waiting for the bare soil to surprise the owner with a beautiful plant again.
How to choose plants for the house for suitable conditions
To determine the plant suitable for your home, we take into account a group of factors and requirements:
- the relation of a flower to water: there are moisture-loving and drought-resistant flowers. If you are a fan of being away from home for a long time, it is better to give preference to those colors that can tolerate this without problems;
- attitude to the growing temperature: if it is not possible to provide plants that require special conditions during the dormant period, a cool room, then you should not buy such a green pet;
- attitude to light: if the plant is positioned as light-loving, and eternal twilight reigns in the apartment, then attention should be paid to the group of shade-tolerant or shade-loving flowers.
You can always find out all the nuances of growing before buying a flower. Not everyone is ready to completely immerse themselves in the hardworking cultivation of bonsai, and not every interior will decorate with a succulent or cactus. Compliance with all requirements and conditions guarantees the chic growth and flowering of your favorite indoor plant as in the pictures.