Ornamental shrubs in landscape design - tips for choosing from professionals
It is not easy for novice gardeners to choose what to plant on their site. Some plants may simply not take root. About what shrubs are, how to care for them, photo and name - read our article.
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Flowering shrubs
Park roses
An unpretentious and practical perennial plant. An ornamental shrub is suitable even for novice gardeners, as it requires almost no maintenance. All you need is regular watering during dry periods and sanitary pruning. During the flowering period, it is replete with shades from red to beige. Great for part of a hedge, as the crown is very dense.
Budleya David
A beautifully flowering shrub of huge size - up to 3 meters in height. The inflorescence palette is based on purple to blue. It takes root well in moist clay soil. It is desirable that the site be sunny, otherwise the budley will die. It is also necessary to fertilize the soil regularly: 2-3 times during vegetative activity.
Garden jasmine (chubushnik)
Large deciduous shrub up to 3 meters. It blooms all summer, so it is not very suitable for giving. And to please the eye on the site - a great option. It is important to note that the chubushnik has several selection lines and it is better to choose a domestic one.
It is adapted for Russian climatic conditions. Foreign jasmines often die even in the middle lane, which must be taken into account.
Shrub peony tree
A beautiful spherical cultivated shrub. They grow up to 1.5 meters in height, but it is very demanding on conditions. It can be planted singly and in large numbers.
The important thing is that the peony hates the transplant and often dies from it. He loves warmth, sun rays and silence. It does not need to be touched again, but it is better to leave it in one place and water it regularly.
Three-lobed almond
Quite good ornamental shrubs for summer cottages.Undemanding to conditions and very beautiful. It blooms in spring with beautiful pale pink leaves. Easily takes root with other plants, does not compete for nutrients.
Ornamental flowering bushes of rhododendron are densely planted with flowers, which makes the leaves almost invisible. The plant height varies greatly from 30 centimeters to 5 meters! Usually this information can be obtained from the seller in the nursery.
If you live in the middle lane and above, then deciduous varieties of rhododendron are recommended. They are much more frost-resistant and will definitely survive!
Probably the most common shrub in the CIS, which can be found in every front garden.
Fragrant and pleasant, requires virtually no maintenance:
- It can be planted in the country, given its prevalence and cheapness in nurseries.
- It takes root almost everywhere and easily survives the shadow.
- Requires only periodic watering and rare fertilization.
Spirea is spring and summer. The first is a shrub that blooms in May. It has characteristic white small flowers. The second blooms in June and has a special red color. Depending on the variety, the height can be from half a meter to 2.5. Summer spirea is much more common on the territory of Russia.
Fast-growing shrub, reaching 2 meters. Hydrangea grows in an unsympathetic lump, so decorative pruning is imperative. The flowers gather in a kind of shield, so the leaves are not even noticeable. Often the bush is shaped into a sphere and used as part of a hedge.
A neat plant reaching 2 meters in height. Shrub flowers have a characteristic bright red hue. Blooms in May and ends only at the end of July. Weigela is unpretentious and can easily take root even in the middle lane.
Magnolia is low, reaching only 1 meter, although gigantic specimens are met. They often grow in front gardens throughout Russia, as they easily take root even in poor soils. The plant loves warmth, but tolerates frost well.
The only condition: it must be planted in a place with a little shade. Then it will grow well and give beautiful flowers.
Forsythia is known for its flowers blooming before foliage appears, it is not a very tall, circular plant with yellow flowers. Its peculiarity is that in autumn the inflorescences acquire a scarlet color. Perennial flowering shrubs need constant sun and protection from the winds. But they are not demanding in care and take root almost everywhere.
Ornamental deciduous shrubs
Barberry Thunberg
An excellent southern bush for landscaping. Decorates the site from the beginning of spring. Blooms with characteristic purple-blue flowers. It becomes insanely beautiful in autumn. The inflorescences get a scarlet-red hue, from which it seems that the bush is burning, as in the photo with an autumn landscape. The height can reach 3 meters, so it is often confused with a multi-stemmed tree.
Common hazel
Hazel is an example of a shrub that grows beautiful in autumn. All summer it does not stand out in anything - an ordinary green bush, albeit 3 meters high. In autumn, the leaves take on a blood red hue. Therefore, it is often taken for mixboards in the backyard, which are invisible all summer. She only needs a slightly darkened place without drafts, and so the hazel will live for a very long time. It is winter-hardy and unpretentious.
There are 2 types:
- Narrow leaf
- Silverleaf.
The former is often taken as a cheap olive substitute in a Mediterranean garden. He reminds her from a distance. But silver is more convenient in decor. Its leaves have a characteristic metallic sheen.
Hedge shrubs
Evergreen boxwood
Multishoot plant with small leaves. There are both giant (up to 3 meters) and dwarf low species. The former are often taken for outdoor hedges instead of fences. The latter are better suited for interior decoration.Boxwood is very rich, so it is great for green contrast with other colors.
Types of bladder shrubs are divided into red-leaved and yellow-leaved. They acquire their rich color only in autumn, and in spring and summer, the shade is more modest. The name comes from the specific shape of the plant in the form of a bubble.
Evergreen shrubs
An unpretentious evergreen shrub that can survive even the most severe frosts. It will be able to survive without problems in central Russia. In summer, small flowers bloom on it, which have a pleasant aroma.
A thorny shrub that looks like a small spruce. It has very short and sharp needles. They calmly take root in a well-lit place or in a small shade. The soil must contain clay, peat and sand. If this composition is not in the ground, it is better to enrich it before planting.
A coniferous shrub for the garden, not very hardy. During severe frosts, it is better to cover it with a thick cloth, like a tarp.