Creativity with children, for children and for adults: what can be made from cardboard
For some, the cardboard left over from the boxes is a waste material, while others are not afraid to revive it and turn it into various funny objects. Especially, it is important to use cardboard leftovers in a house where there are small children. Today we arm ourselves with tips and ideas and together with we will see what can be made of cardboard for the home and for children.
The content of the article
- 1 Simple and fun cardboard crafts for children
- 2 Useful and decorative cardboard crafts: from the simple we make the complex and beautiful
- 3 Video: original cardboard crafts
Simple and fun cardboard crafts for children
To make something useful for the game, you can take ordinary thin cardboard for children's creativity, and there is the option of using cardboard boxes left over from furniture, equipment, food. Depending on the quality of the material, the craft turns out to be strong, durable and beautiful.
Figurines made of cardboard for different games
To make cardboard figures, you will need good sharp scissors and a stationery knife, tape, aerosol glue or a thermal gun. To paint the craft, you should prepare a set of gouache or felt-tip pens.
Little mermaids
To facilitate the process of creating mermaids, the child is offered to take not a sheet of cardboard, but a toilet paper sleeve: this is a ready-made material that is decorated using the application method.
If there is no sleeve, and you want to complicate your life a little, then you need to take a sheet of cardboard and cut a rectangle out of it. The figure is bent so that the width of one edge slightly overlaps the width of the other. It turns out a cylinder, which is used as a base for a mermaid.
Wonder cat
A cute cardboard pet should be dense enough to withstand children's caresses. The work is not difficult: we cut out the figure of the cat according to the template and make cuts in place of the legs along the contour.
If the slits are too loose, the feet will not be stable. In this case, fix them with glue.
Winter composition
A whole composition is obtained from thick cardboard, which will allow the child to come up with a fairy tale and demonstrate it to everyone. For the figures of firs, deer, dogs and sleds, you should take thick cardboard, but figures of people can be made from colored paper and ordinary cardboard.
Cardboard puppets: figurine in motion
A puppet theater is also made of cardboard figures with moving limbs. It can be little people, fairy-tale characters, animals and birds. To create a puppet, you need a dense thread, like twine, if you plan to set the toy in motion with a thread. It is also interesting to make an articular puppet; in this case, clerical studs or wire are used for fastening.
№ 10 A small child is able to assemble such a toy himself, if an adult next to him shows all stages of work by another example.
Dollhouse made of cardboard: a girl's dream and its fulfillment
It's time to work on building a dollhouse. The sturdy construction is adorned with fabric, colored paper, wallpaper, oracle or simply painted with felt-tip pens. It is better to cut dense material with a clerical knife.
Large-scale cardboard playhouse
A play house is made according to the same principle as a doll house, with the exception of the difference in size and lack of number of storeys. You can fasten the elements with glue, and then, for strength, you should glue all the joints with masking tape.
Advice! If you hang a flashlight in the house, then there will be no limit to the delight of children.
Transport from cardboard
Boys and lively girls will be happy to play with an airplane, a boat and a car, which will be done by loving adults.
Cardboard machine
The machine should be based on a large box. This will make the craft more durable and able to withstand several noisy games. The more elements a car has, the more interesting it is to play with it.It is better to schematically depict the future vehicle on paper and then think over which parts to glue where and how. If the doors can be made just without cutting the cardboard to the end, then some things should be attached with wire.
Plane and flight around the apartment
It will take time to make an airplane: a drawing is definitely needed, even the simplest one. To make the shape of the product more like an airplane, it is better to sketch and calculate where the cardboard should be bent and where to cut.
The opening part is located in front - if you cut off the corners of the covers, you get the muzzle of the plane. The wings are made separately. Better if they are inserted into the walls and secured with nuts and screws.
Boat made of cardboard
The cardboard Titanic will not drown in the vastness of the apartment ocean, so feel free to make a boat for your child! If there is a box from a refrigerator or washing machine - great, it's almost a finished boat, you just need to modify it a little.
Useful and decorative cardboard crafts: from the simple we make the complex and beautiful
Making cardboard toys of different sizes for your child is great. But maybe it's time to move on to interior decoration? If someone does not know yet, then from cardboard boxes they make durable beautiful furniture, shelves, picture frames, practical organizers and much more.
Cardboard furniture: home creative
Cardboard furniture has proven to be highly practical, environmentally friendly, cheap and non-trivial. It will be especially interesting to collect items such as a table, chair, chair yourself. In the home "production" of furniture, you can use both cardboard tubes from rolls of various materials, and corrugated cardboard.
Original shelf
Non-standard shelves will also be able to find a worthy place for themselves in a house or apartment, be it a living room or a children's room. Corrugated cardboard is perfect for these purposes. Sheets of templates are glued together for strength, and then horizontal shelves are inserted into the slots.
Cardboard lamp: do it yourself soft light from a lampshade
A lamp made of cardboard segments gives an amazing glow. It's easy to make an item. If this is a lampshade consisting of template elements, then they are fastened to each other in a certain sequence. There is another option: cut out the necessary elements and glue them together in layers.
Cardboard wall decor
Since we have chosen cardboard for different needs, why not decorate the walls with it? There are many ideas in this direction: cardboard frames, butterflies, pipe rings that create a composition on the wall.
Organizer made of cardboard
Craftsmen also often began to use cardboard as the basis for convenient organizers. The material, to put it mildly, is inexpensive, durable and durable, retains its shape and is easy to decorate. To make a convenient organizer, they develop its design and determine storage locations specifically for the necessary things. Someone really needs small compartments, who wants a convenient place for magazines.
Do not rush to throw away the boxes, this is truly useful material!