Infrared heaters with a thermostat for summer cottages - the best choice for temporary heating
Heating organization country house the task is not easy. And all because any system will not be able to work in a house where there is no regular supervision. Gas or electric heating requires significant cash costs. Wood heating, especially if it is stretched throughout the house, forces the boiler to be heated regularly, otherwise pipes can simply burst in severe frosts. Infrared heaters for summer cottages with a thermostat are the best solution. They are economical. And the presence of a thermostat will allow you to maintain a certain temperature for a given time, for example, in your absence, about + 5 ° C.
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Principle of operation and types
Video: an overview of IR heaters
IR heaters, regardless of type, have the same operating principle. They do not heat the air in the room, but objects and people, the same, in turn, transfer heat to the air, which allows you to heat the entire room. This allows you to quickly warm up near such a device, even in the most severe frosts.
And since there are a lot of heat reflectors that the IR heater “connects” to itself, it is able to improve the thermal performance of a room much faster than standard heaters.
Types of infrared heaters a lot, they are classified by the type of installation, type of emitter, used energy source.
Floor-standing infrared heaters are also called mobile or portable. They all have a handle for easy portability and a compartment to hide the cord. There are large and voluminous options, they have wheels.
Such devices are protected against overheating, since they are installed on the floor, it is likely that they will tip over, in which case the shutdown sensor will be triggered. They may have a remote control, but very rarely include in their composition thermostat.
Wall-mounted ones are mounted in the usual places for the battery - under the window, on the outer walls of the rooms.They are in no way inferior to standard radiators in terms of the amount of heat given off. And given the principle of work, they also surpass them. Such options are heavier than floor ones, since they are mounted on the wall. Wall mounted infrared heaters they have a thermostat for the summer cottage, why it is so important we will tell further.
The design options for such heaters can be very different, as well as their price. For example, ordinary painted panels will be several times cheaper than those finished with natural stone or with an applied relief pattern.
Ceiling infrared heaters also have a thermostat, but they are rarely used for private houses, including summer cottages. First of all, because they are difficult to fit into the interior of the room. Secondly, high ceilings are needed to install them, since they cannot be placed less than 1 meter from the human head. With a standard ceiling height of 2.5 meters, this is impossible.
- Carbon - This uses carbon fiber, which is housed in a quartz tube.
- Quartz - behind the heating element there is a tungsten filament that is placed in a glass tube.
- Halogen - the main source of heat is a vacuum lamp, which contains an inert gas.
Energy source
The source can be an electrical network or gas bottle... The first type is the most common, that is, the heater has a wire with which it is connected to the mains. Gas infrared heaters for summer cottages are a universal solution, since in the presence of a filled gas cylinder they can work even outdoors, in gazebo.
I would also like to say specifically about gas infrared heaters. They are mobile and can, if necessary, be transported with them, subject to the availability of a vehicle. But when transporting them, you need to be very careful, because the nozzle that supplies gas can be damaged, and this will disable the entire device.
Why do you need a thermostat
A thermostat in an IR heater, if you use it in the country, is a necessary thing, if not more necessary. In a simplified form, this is a thermometer that itself measures the temperature and brings it to the required indicators. For example, if you are in the house, you can set the temperature in the range of 20-22 degrees, and it will be maintained at this level automatically. If you are absent somewhere, then it is rational to lower the boundary indicator, up to +5 degrees, so that the house does not freeze through. Upon returning, it will not be difficult to raise the temperature to a comfortable level, since the room did not freeze.
Such a rational setting of the temperature regime will allow not only to have savings in payment for energy resources (gas or electricity), but also to create an optimal microclimate in a room with irregular living.
Advantages of an IR heater
A modern solution for summer residents that keep up with the development of progress is IR heaters, and their indisputable advantages are:
- Almost instant results. You get a device with low inertia, which means that you don't have to wait until it gets warmer in the whole room, first it heats you, all the objects around you, and they, in turn, will give off heat to the air;
- Using them, you can create local heating without spending electricity in vain for heating the entire volume of a large room;
- Such heating does not require thorough thermal insulation of the room, since it does not affect the air, but objects and people, which means that its heat will not go out into the street, since it is not in the air as such.It is thanks to this feature that you will be able to warm up in severe frost even on the street;
- IR heaters can be used outdoors and for heating greenhouses, which many summer residents have on their site.
Safe heating in the country is not difficult to organize, but you should choose the right device. Today, the best solution is an IR heater. The initial investment in its acquisition is certainly higher than that of familiar convector or an oil heater, but its economy and the presence of a thermostat will help save money right away. And besides, not every heating device can be used outdoors, but this does not apply to IR, they can work equally effectively both indoors and outdoors.