How much does a cube of sand weigh: important calculations for construction work
Most of the construction work is done with sand. This type of material is especially necessary when conducting concrete work, which includes the creation of a screed, blind areas, as well as the installation of metal canopies and the construction of a foundation with a fence. Loose compositions are considered the most important component of all construction work, therefore, before purchasing them, know how much a cube of sand weighs, and also make calculations on its amount.
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How to calculate how much a cube of sand weighs: properties of raw materials
Many owners of private households and plots want to know what is the mass of one cube of sand. This value needs to be known when building a residential building and for arranging the territory adjacent to the building. Also, all those involved in construction are interested in how much a cube costs with transportation to the desired place. This is of interest to everyone who is engaged in construction work on their own site or is engaged in the acquisition of raw materials for hired workers.
Based on how much a cube of sand weighs, all components of the concrete solution and their amount will be determined. Incorrect calculations can lead to non-compliance with technology and disastrous consequences.
Why do you need to know how many cubes of sand are in 1 ton?
If sand is selected for construction, then knowing how many cubes in a ton helps to correctly place an order for the supply of material.
If the calculations were performed incorrectly, then the following difficulties may follow:
- insufficient consistency of the prepared solution;
- wrong recipe for concrete mix;
- creating poor quality concrete;
- adhesion properties are lost, and the hardening process is disrupted;
- the strength of the concrete composition decreases;
- the erected structure can quickly collapse.
To avoid many mistakes, you need to know what mass of sand composition is in 1 m3. Dry mix weight depends on grain size, specific impurities, moisture level, as well as mineral structure and compaction.
Helpful information! 1m3 is considered the standard measure that is adopted for bulk materials. The mass in kg that is contained in a cube is called specific gravity. At the same time, the weight of bulk mixtures in 1m3 can vary from 1.5 to 2.8 thousand kg per cubic meter. meter.
Related article:
Table of the proportion of concrete per 1m3. How to prepare high quality concrete mixes for various purposes. Read more in a separate publication on our portal.
Density of material
The cost depends on how much the sand cubes weigh. The final price is influenced by the density of the bulk mixture. Density values are determined by individual layers that form between individual particles.
Moreover, the density can be of different types:
- real or technological;
- bulk;
- conditional.
The density index varies from 1.3-1.8 t / cu. m.
Helpful information! The conditional density indicator exceeds the real value. In practical use, the bulk density of the material is important.
Determination of fractions of sand raw materials
To accurately calculate how many cubes of sand are in 1 ton, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the particles. Also, to find out the capacity of the bag in terms of cubic meters, you need to know the parameters of the raw material fractions. For this, the sand mixture is run through special sieves. Thus, it is possible to separate gravel particles in the structure of the raw material.
If the material has a fine composition, then the parameters of individual particles in mm range from 1.6-2. If the composition is average, then the size is 2-2.5. The larger type of material has components of 2.5 mm.
Large fractions are most often found in river or quarry sand. Depending on the fractional component, the sand composition is divided into two classes. The first is the composition of the particle size, which is about 1.5 mm. To the second with various sizes.
Types of sand material: how much does 1 cube of each weigh?
The mass of 1 m3 of sand is influenced by storage methods, its types, as well as the moisture indicator. There are certain GOSTs for the mass of sand mixtures that are contained in a cube:
- standard material has a weight of 1570-1700 kg / m³;
- the loose composition has a weight of 1450 kg / m³;
- rammed about 1650 kg / m³;
- the wet mix has a weight of 1960 kg / m³.
The sand used in construction can be of different types. The division into varieties depends on the place of extraction of dry raw materials. There are the following types:
- at the bottom of reservoirs, river is mined. The material is characterized by purity and can be yellow or grayish. The composition is used for the manufacture of drainage systems and the preparation of solutions;
- open pit mine is extracted mechanically by open pit mining. It is used to create sidewalks and foundations. The washed composition is used in finishing and plastering works;
- on the seabed, sea sand is being mined.This raw material has a high cost, therefore it is not used so often.
The most affordable is the river option. Its extraction is carried out in a natural way, but there are varieties that are obtained by artificial methods. These include: slag, expanded clay and quartz sand mixtures.
Helpful information! At construction sites, not only river, but also quarry is used. At the same time, the amount of impurities in the form of small stones affects the weight of a cubic meter of raw materials.
Building sand: how many cubes per ton?
You can independently calculate the specific weight of raw materials, which is placed in a cube. To do this, you can use the following formula:
m = V * p
In this case, the mass of the material is denoted m. V Is the volume, and p displays the density value.
From the table you can find out the standard values for the weight of a sand mixture in one ton.
Helpful information! It should be borne in mind that moisture affects weight. Its value most often varies from 6-7%. With wet material, the indicator can reach 20%. This difference also needs to be added to the total weight.
How much is placed in the body of KAMAZ and ZIL?
KAMAZ is known for its huge capacity, but at the same time, many buyers are interested in how many cubes of sand are in KAMAZ. For large-scale construction work, this indicator is especially important. KAMAZ can hold about 12 cubic meters of sand. For less global construction works, sand can be transported by ZIL. ZIL can hold about three cubes. And MAZ fits six.
The cost of river sand per cubic meter is about 700-900 rubles, and about 500-600 rubles for quarry sand. Before purchasing sand, you need to know in advance what the cost of a cubic meter of bulk raw materials and how much kg is in it.
The cost of raw materials depends on the vendors, the distance to transport and the amount of sand. Having correctly calculated all the parameters, you can save well on building materials.
Video: what sand is used for what