Hydrostrel: principle of operation, purpose and calculations, selection of a finished device
With the help of special additional devices, you can modernize the old heating system and make timely adjustments to the new project. If you know how the hydraulic gun works, the principle of operation, purpose and calculations, it will be easier to solve the corresponding problems in practice. This information will also be useful when choosing a finished product of factory production in a retail network.
The content of the article
- 1 What is a hydraulic arrow for: principle of operation, purpose and calculations
- 2 Calculation method
- 3 Calculator for calculating a hydraulic arrow based on the power of the boiler
- 4 Calculator for calculating the parameters of a hydraulic arrow based on pump performance
- 5 Manufacturers and prices
- 6 The use of a hydraulic arrow together with a manifold and the solution of other tasks
- 7 Conclusions and recommendations
- 8 Video: installing copper heating using a water arrow
What is a hydraulic arrow for: principle of operation, purpose and calculations
During the operation of an individual heating system, problems arise associated with a discrepancy between the volume of consumption and the performance of the boiler. In some modes, it is possible to receive signals from temperature sensors, which will increase the power to maximum values. With a simultaneous insufficient consumption of the carrier by the secondary circuit, the thermal loads will increase excessively. Such situations increase the likelihood of accidents.
To describe a different situation, it is necessary to assume that the boiler capacity specified in the technical data sheet is 50 l / min. despite the fact that it is necessary to connect heating radiators with a consumption of twice as much. It will not be possible to increase the power so much without excessive loads on the equipment.
The next problem is the mutual influence of different types of consumers (warm floors, external boiler, several groups of radiators). For their normal functioning, different volumes and temperatures of the coolant are needed.
It is possible to solve such problems using additional sensors and settings.But this will lead to a significant complication of the design and a decrease in the overall level of reliability. In practice, experienced experts recommend using an elegant engineering solution, which is discussed in detail in this article.
Principles of operation of hydraulic arrows in heating systems and basic functions
The main purpose of this device is to limit, and ideally, to exclude the hydrodynamic influence of different circuits in the heating system on each other. To do this, use special containers that are inserted into the gap between the two circuits.
This picture shows a schematic of a set of equipment with two pumps and connected radiators.
Here Q1 and Q2 are the water flow rates in each circuit. When these values are equal, the fluid moves along a common complete circuit, as shown in the figure below.
The following shows how the passage of fluid changes when the balance in consumption is disturbed:
To get a high-quality hydrostatic gun performing its functions, the principle of operation, purpose and calculations are coordinated in a special way. It is necessary to create the last option with a slow movement of water inside the device from top to bottom. Experts recommend limiting the speed of this process to the level of 0.09-0.12 m / s. This will help solve the following tasks:
- In such conditions, mechanical impurities will gradually settle at the bottom of the container. When equipped with a special device, a collection, it will be possible to clean the system during routine maintenance.
- Slow speed will allow the water gun to be used to withdraw fluid to other circuits with different temperature gradients.
- It is also useful for accumulating gas bubbles in the upper part of the body. There you can install an automatic air removal device.
Heating water arrow device
The next photo shows a standard product in this category.
The valve installed at the bottom is designed to drain the liquid together with mechanical impurities. Note the special taper at the bottom. Impurities accumulate in it and are not carried out by the flow of liquid further into the system. An automatic air vent is mounted on top.
Calculation method
To make a hydrostatic arrow for heating with your own hands, preliminary calculations are needed. This figure shows the principle by which the dimensions of the device can be calculated quickly, with a sufficiently high accuracy.
These proportions were obtained taking into account the results of experiments, the efficiency of the device in different modes. The value of D, which consists of three d, can be calculated using the following formula:
- RV - water consumption in cubic meters;
- SP - water flow rate in m / s.
In order to fulfill the above-mentioned optimal conditions, the value of SP = 0.1 is inserted into the formula. The flow rate in this device is calculated from the difference Q1-Q2. Without measurements, these values can be found out using data from the technical data sheets of the circulation pumps of each circuit.
Calculator for calculating the parameters of a hydraulic arrow based on the power of the boiler
Calculator for calculating the parameters of a hydraulic arrow based on pump performance
Manufacturers and prices
It will be easier to buy a water gun for heating after reading the data from the following table. Current price offers can be clarified immediately before purchasing the goods. But this information is useful for comparative analysis, taking into account different characteristics of products.
Table 1. Characteristics and average cost of hydraulic guns
It is clear from the table that, in addition to general technical parameters, the following factors affect the cost:
- body material;
- the ability to connect additional circuits;
- the complexity of the design;
- availability of additional equipment;
- manufacturer's name.
The use of a hydraulic arrow together with a manifold and the solution of other tasks
The installation of a hydraulic arrow in a connection diagram with several heating interchanges is performed using a special switchgear. The manifold consists of two separate parts with branch pipes. Shut-off valves, measuring and other devices are connected to them.
To connect solid fuel boilers it is recommended to increase the volume of the hydraulic expansion joint. This will create a protective barrier to prevent a sudden rise in temperature in the system. Such jumps in parameters are typical for aging equipment.
Note! New models of boilers are equipped with automation that blocks dangerous modes.
In the presence of a shift in the outlet pipes in height, the movement of the liquid slows down somewhat, and the path increases. Such an upgrade in the upper part improves the separation of gas bubbles, and in the lower part it is useful for collecting debris.
This connection of several circuits provides different temperature levels.But one must understand that it is impossible to obtain exact values of the distribution of heat in dynamics. For example, the approximate equality of the consumption values Q1 and Q2 will lead to the fact that the temperature difference in the circuits of radiators and warm floors will be insignificant.
Conclusions and recommendations
To make a hydro arrow from polypropylene with your own hands, you need a special soldering iron. Working with metals will require welding equipment and related skills. Despite the large number of instructions on the Internet, it will be difficult to make quality products. Taking into account all the costs and difficulties, it is more profitable to purchase a finished device in a store.
With the help of knowledge about hydraulic arrows, principles of operation, purpose and calculations, a specific model is selected. They take into account the peculiarities of boilers and heat consumers.
Video: installing copper heating using a water arrow