How to get rid of midges in the kitchen once and for all: 20 killers
For any housewife, there is nothing more terrible than the appearance of parasitic insects in her patrimony, kitchen. Even if you are very careful and keep all the shelves and drawers clean, an unpleasant surprise can occur. Small annoying midges appear unexpectedly, and it is not easy to lime it. This material from is devoted to the question of how to get rid of midges in the kitchen. We will offer you 20 ways to combat these small parasites and some tips to prevent their appearance.
The content of the article
- 1 Is the midge dangerous for humans and the ways of its penetration into the kitchen
- 2 Basic principles: how to get rid of midges in an apartment or private house
- 3 Folk and factory remedies for midges in the kitchen
- 4 How to get rid of gnats in the kitchen mechanically
- 5 How to get rid of house gnats in the kitchen, depending on their origin
- 6 Preventive measures
- 7 Video: how to get rid of midges in the kitchen
Is the midge dangerous for humans and the ways of its penetration into the kitchen
Drosophila flies, vinegar and wine flies, and this is the name of the small black midges, in the kitchen harm your prestige and disturb the peace. They are not dangerous for human life and health. These annoying creatures are found almost everywhere, with the exception of regions with a harsh cold climate. If you look at this crumb under a magnifying glass, you will find that it looks like an ordinary fly.
Where do these insects come from in the apartment? It seems that the doors and windows are closed, the vents are protected by a fine mesh, and the vile - here it is, flying like a cloud over your flowers or a trash can. There are the main sources of insects entering your apartment:
- a box with vegetables and fruits. Should some fruit spoil slightly, it becomes a tasty bait for midges.If eggs were laid on apples or grapes in a store, insects will appear in a matter of hours, they will not be stopped even by the temperature of the vegetable box in the refrigerator;
- the trash can is the favorite place for these creatures. Spoiled foods are ideal breeding and feeding grounds;
- sink drain - residues of food waste accumulate in a glass or sump. You may not see them, but be aware: the midge finds this dirt and uses it for food and reproduction;
- ventilation systems with exits to neighbors. Rarely does anyone protect the internal exits to the ventilation ducts with a fine mesh, so it is not difficult for insects to get over to you from less clean neighbors;
- indoor plants - midge eggs are often found in the ground and wait for favorable conditions for them: heat and humidity.
Basic principles: how to get rid of midges in an apartment or private house
We figured out where the wine gnats come from, and listed the main reasons for their appearance. Now is the time to talk about how to get rid of gnats in the kitchen. Do not rush to look for a pest control phone. Start by reviewing your habits, because they are often the main reason for the reproduction of harmful insects. Find the source of the problem and fix it: get into the habit of washing fruits and vegetables brought from the store, take out the trash more often than you usually do, and don't leave dirty dishes in the sink for a long time.
But if the problem has already appeared, there are several ways to quickly solve it.
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Folk and factory remedies for midges in the kitchen
So you've noticed a swarm of tiny insects in your kitchen. First, determine the location that attracted them. If it is a plate of fruit, sort it out, wash and discard any tainted ones. You already know where the fruit flies come from, most likely you brought them from the store. Cover the plate with a napkin, or better yet, put it in the refrigerator.
The sink drain should be filled with cleaning liquid or a solution of baking soda and vinegar.
There are very effective folk recipes on how to get rid of a small midge in the kitchen. Let's consider them in more detail.
Folk recipes: what helps against midges
A person can use many methods of dealing with annoying insects, and most of them are based on the use of improvised means. So, how to get rid of midges at home, several options.
Remedy 1: fresh horseradish root
Fruit flies do not like the pungent smell of this plant. If you put pieces of horseradish on shelves and cabinets, the flies will panic in search of salvation. Leave the window open for them.
Remedy 2: camphor oil
If there is an aroma lamp in the house, pour camphor into it and place it indoors. You can simply heat the oil in an iron mug over the hotplate. You can use the essential oils of fir, eucalyptus, clove, lemon and lavender for the same effect.
Remedy 3: smoke
If you have tobacco, juniper needles, incense or fir cones on hand, light it in an ashtray. Close the kitchen door, but don't forget to open the window. The smoke will drive out the midges.
Remedy 4: vinegar and soapy water
Add a glass of warm water, some dish soap, apple cider vinegar and sugar. Instead of vinegar, you can add wine. It will smell like a favorite insect treat.Tighten the top of the glass with vacuum foil and make a small hole. The midge will rush into the trap and drown. Set these traps in areas where insects gather.
Remedy 5: wormwood and wheatgrass
A decoction of wormwood or wheatgrass weed is sprayed in places where fruit midges appear. By the way, this method will save you from mosquitoes in nature, apply the composition to open areas of the body.
Remedy 6: vanillin
Vanilla aromas in the kitchen are very appropriate, but they do not like Drosophila. Sprinkle the vanilla solution all over the kitchen or place the vanilla sticks on the shelves.
Remedy 7: garlic
Crush a few cloves of garlic and cover with water for a couple of hours. Use the finished tincture to water the plants.
Remedy 8: Geranium
Set up a couple of pots of geraniums on your kitchen windowsill. Fly does not like this fragrant flower very much and will bypass your kitchen.
Factory remedies: how to poison midges
We studied options on how to get rid of midges with folk remedies. Household chemical stores offer chemicals in aerosol containers and various kinds of Velcro to combat gnats.
Remedy 9: Velcro
Simple and safe means for people. They are simply tapes with a layer of glue on which insects sit and stick. This ribbon, strewn with corpses of flies, looks not very pretty, but it works very effectively. The main thing is to place it in a place where you would not accidentally touch it, or your cat or dog would not fall into such a trap.
Remedy 10: aerosol insecticides
These chemicals can harm people and pets, so they are sprayed in an open area. Don't forget to cover the aquarium if you have fish in your kitchen. After spraying the chemical, the doors to the room are closed, and after an hour the kitchen is thoroughly ventilated. Of the popular means, Raptor, Dichlorvos, Deta, Raftamid, Cobra and Moskitol should be noted.
How to get rid of gnats in the kitchen mechanically
Various kinds of Velcro are an effective remedy. The sticky trap is easy to DIY.
Remedy 11: cardboard and honey
Cut out a strip of yellow cardboard. If it is not at hand, use thick yellow paper. Lubricate it with honey, secure with tape on a wooden skewer and stick it into a flower pot or an apple in a fruit bowl.
How to get rid of house gnats in the kitchen, depending on their origin
Tiny flies can swarm around fruits, onions, settle in cereals and flour, live in a sewer or a flowerpot. Depending on their habitat, an appropriate tool should be selected.
How to get rid of fruit gnats quickly
If a swarm has settled over a fruit basket, prepare a simple trap for it.
Remedy 12: syrup and soda
A bottle is required for the trap. Pour sweet syrup, fruit soda or juice at the bottom. Roll a sheet of paper into a bag and insert it into the neck of the bottle. The flies will get in through the tiny hole at the tip of the bag, but they won't be able to get out. Caught flies are poured with soapy water and poured down the drain or onto the street. Insects hatch from eggs on day 8, so to completely destroy the colony, you will have to update the trap for at least two weeks.
How to get rid of onion gnats
If you do not remove the onion from the plastic bag, it will suffocate and begin to rot. The smell will certainly attract midges. How to get onion midges out of the kitchen?
Remedy 13: sawdust
Go through all the onions, remove the spoiled onions. Then put the onion in a box and cover with dry sawdust. So, you will preserve root crops for a long time and get rid of insects that do not like the smell of sawdust.
How to get rid of insects in cereals
Insects in cereals are truly a disaster. It often happens like this: you open a box of porridge, counting on a healthy breakfast, and there are these small parasites with wings. Appetite disappears completely. Consider how to get rid of annoying midges in the rump in the kitchen.
Tool 14: freezer
Conduct a complete audit of all bulk solids. It's a pity, but the infected porridge will have to be thrown away. Some people advise to bake them in the oven or rinse them with water, but you yourself understand that such procedures do not improve the quality of the product. Do not postpone the trip to the trash can: while you are fiddling in the kitchen, small invaders can leave the selected boxes and move to clean ones.
Place all non-parasite-free boxes in the freezer. This procedure will kill the eggs. And be sure to keep sealed boxes at home to store such products.
How to effectively get rid of midges in indoor flowers
The most common cause of insects in a flower pot is contaminated soil. If there is such a suspicion, it is better to do a plant transplant. How to get rid of midges at home in flowers?
Remedy 15: potassium permanganate
Water the soil in pots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Do not overdo it with concentration, otherwise you may ruin the flower.
Remedy 16: matches
The midge does not like the smell and taste of sulfur. Take a matchbox and stick the matches with their heads into the ground. The bigger, the better. Feel free to water the flower and change matches as the sulfur dissolves.
Remedy 17: citrus
Spread lemon, orange, grapefruit or tangerine rind in a pot. The smell will scare away midges.
Remedy 18: Ash
Place a thin layer of wood ash on the potting soil. This will not only scare away insects, but also fertilize your plantings.
How to get rid of sewer gnats forever
Sewer flies are very small - only a couple of millimeters. They are especially active towards the night when people do not interfere with them swarming around the drain holes. The most unpleasant thing is that such insects, after traveling through the drains, can sit on food in the kitchen. So it is imperative to deal with such unwanted guests.
Remedy 19: boiling water
To kill the eggs and larvae in the drain, pour boiling water over them. You will need at least 4 liters of hot liquid. For greater confidence in the result, after spilling, add some kind of cleaning chemical, for example, "Mole", to the drain.
Remedy 20: fly swatter
Everything ingenious is simple. After all, the most commonplace way to get rid of small midges in the kitchen is to physically destroy them. Arm yourself with a fly swatter or just a rolled up newspaper - and into battle!
Preventive measures
The most important and effective preventive measure is cleanliness. Do not leave spoiled food, clean the drain regularly and take out the trash. Cover windows with a fine mesh, watch out for indoor flowers, and do not leave food in your pet's bowl. These simple rules will keep gnats out of your kitchen. If you have any more effective ways to combat fruit flies, share them in the comments.