What cold colors and warm colors give us in the interior
It's no secret that color plays a big role in psychology. Our perception is tuned in a sensitive way, color can be called an individual key to happiness or sadness, so it is important to understand what cold and warm colors mean in an interior. With the right tone, you can significantly change yourself interior, and self-awareness in it. Today we will talk about all the nuances of color perception at homemaster.techinfolux.com/en/.
The content of the article
- 1 Let's show the difference in the table of cold and warm colors
- 2 What warm-colored rooms look like
- 3 Cold colors of the palette: decoration in the interior
- 4 How you can use warm and cold color options for interior decoration
- 5 Let's talk about color combinations in the interior of different rooms
- 6 Is it possible to correct room imperfections with color
- 7 Video: warm and cold colors in the interior
Let's show the difference in the table of cold and warm colors
Of the seven basic natural colors, we distinguish thousands of shades, relying, however, on only three tones: we are talking about yellow, blue and red. Separately, there is white, which dilutes any other.
In order not to be a pioneer every time, looking for the right shade, you should use a ready-made table.
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Question one: what are warm colors?
It is enough to listen to your feelings when using the phrase “warm tones” to imagine the possible colors in the palette. These are the colors that most people associate with comfort, positive позитив high spirits.
The warm palette includes yellow, red, beige, peach, coffee... Everything is simple here, the more red or yellow the color is, the more we associate it with fire.
Interesting! Only orange is absolutely warm, others can include shades of warmth and cold.
Many are tormented by the question, is pink a warm or cold color? It all depends on what color the paint was obtained from. If it is a derivative of a red tone, then the pink will be obviously warm, and if it is purple, it will be a cool purple hue.
Question two: what colors are cold?
Now we decide which colors are cold. These are shades of blue and those in the production of which blue paint was used. As for the interior colors, it is silver, and blue itself, and blue, and lilac. If you were wondering, purple cold or warm, it, like pink, can belong to both groups, depending on the composition of the paint.
What warm-colored rooms look like
Anyone who wants to feel the peace of mind from a cozy home atmosphere should take a closer look at the tones that give a feeling of warmth. Of course, a red room is unlikely to allow you to fully relax, rather, it will give you vigor. Therefore, those who crave relaxation should select the colors of the rooms, moving away from the red color on the palette.
Yellow and orange
The yellow color is ready to share its kind, soul-warming rays. If you think over interesting combinations, then you can significantly increase your efficiency and feel a surge of creative strength.
The colors of tangerine and orange are also sunny, summer. Orange rooms always emanate positive.
If the yellow or orange shades need to be softened and made not so spectacular, then we dilute the paint with white.
Beige and peach
Beige, despite its warmth in the interior, can also look like a neutral tone, which has a calming and calming effect. There are variants where beige is soloed or stands out only in detail.
Peach is chosen where there is a lack of both tenderness and pleasant brightness. Shades of this color can be unassuming and unobtrusive and playful.
Advice! For those with a lack of appetite, it is good to dine in the peach kitchen.
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Red and coffee
Red is strongly associated with something passionate, loving, hot. These are the colors of a leader, strength, endurance. It seems that shades of red warm the room and excite the soul.
You can not make the room bright red, but choose softer shades. The main thing is not to oversaturate the space with excessive brightness. Coffee colors stabilize mood by working as antidepressants.
Cold colors of the palette: decoration in the interior
Cold tones invigorate, visually fill the room with energy, and the room becomes fresh. In such colors it is easier to wake up and cheer up, despite the fact that the palette can be "winter".
You can overdo it, overdo it with the cold, and make the room not just fresh, but uncomfortable.
Silver and blue
Silver and blue are known as cool tones. In fact, this is a modified gray tone, more like a cold scale than a derivative of white and black.
Blue tones are diluted with blue, white and any calm colors.
Lilac shades mistakenly seem warm due to their association with spring lilacs, hyacinths and other primroses. However, it is clearly a cool tone that is beautifully complemented by green and grayish colors.
And what is the green color? Cold or warm?
Green can appear on either side of the color spectrum. If there are shades of yellow in it, then the color warms up noticeably. And if blue or blue is turned on, then the transition to cold is obvious.
How you can use warm and cold color options for interior decoration
Both warm and cold tones of paints include a lot of shades, some are at the transition border, others at opposite ends of the spectrum. They approach the question of the color of the room responsibly, since such subtleties will affect the psyche day after day, and at home you want to feel comfortable.
How can cold shades of red be used in the interior?
Not everyone knows that red also has a number of shades with touches of cold: these are ruby tones, dark burgundy with purple, cool cherry, pink-burgundy, as well as those red tones mixed with black and blue.
The warmest blue that turns into turquoise and aqua
And blue can be found in warm and cold shades. Blue tones are often used in the bedroom, as a relaxing and relieving head from heavy thoughts. But when there is a lot of blue, melancholy appears, and to avoid it, green shades are added to it, which resemble sea waves.
Dozens of shades of white and gray
We have already found out that white itself does not belong to the warm or cold spectrum, but it can acquire a shade of warmth by adding other shades to the paint.
Grays can also appear on either side of the spectrum, depending on the addition. The interior immediately turns out to be something interesting and original.
Let's talk about color combinations in the interior of different rooms
Color solutions in the interior form the basis of design art: color is everything. The perception of colors by a person is superimposed here, so we remember that even the slightest change in shade changes the interior.
Living room and hallway
Living room is of great importance where families and friends gather. If the living room is not comfortable, then the entire semantic meaning of the room is lost.
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The hallway is not always spacious and light, so here you must not be mistaken with the choice of color.
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Bedroom and children's room
By its meaning, the bedroom should promote rest and relaxation. Here we focus on our own color sensations: if someone is comfortable falling asleep with burgundy walls, then this is a feature of this person.
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How are cold and warm colors distributed for children?
Children who are very mobile will not hurt to reduce their activity with a cold color scheme, and those who are calm in themselves will do the opposite side of the spectrum.
Kitchen and bathroom
In the kitchen, those shades are good, from which appetite and good mood awaken.
The colors for the bathroom can be any, you can dwell on two or three shades pleasant for yourself and your household, placing accents
Is it possible to correct room imperfections with color
Not all were born designers and architects, and not all have the opportunity to hire professionals as well. Sometimes the finished home seems uncomfortable due to flaws in the layout, inappropriate lighting levels, or simply small space. You can correct the perception of a room with a color palette.
Cold tones can help expand the space, of course, visually, but the feeling in such a room will be fundamentally different.
It is better to decorate small rooms in cold shades, this will make them a little freer at the level of sensations.
If you make the wall opposite the window darker, then the effect of visual expansion of the space will work in a small room.
The southern rooms are hotter, shades of blue paint will slightly "cool" such a place. The northern room is "warmed" in the same way.
At first glance, all these tricks with color are not easy to master. But one has only to listen to your feelings, as they themselves will intuitively suggest the right choice of color for your interior.Using advice from homemaster.techinfolux.com/en/, you can find "your" correct color for each room, and it will be pure or diluted with halftones, it's up to you.