How to remove scratches from furniture: an overview of effective techniques
It is not necessary to turn to greedy craftsmen for minor repairs of things damaged by careless handling. Quality restoration work can be done on your own. Often, through an oversight or carelessness, we do not notice how scratches appear here and there. Many people do not even know how to remove them from furniture. Meanwhile, there are ways that this posting will gladly tell you about.
The content of the article
- 1 What specialized means to remove scratches on furniture
- 2 How to remove scratches from polished furniture with handy tools
- 3 How to remove scratches from a glass table using different technologies
- 4 Restoration of the appearance of products made from other materials
- 5 Additional Information
- 6 Video: features of surface restoration technology using high-quality specialized tools
What specialized means to remove scratches on furniture
Such defects appear during normal operation. Appearance products from natural wood in itself is a certain value. For this reason, it is not hidden under additional protective coatings. You can spoil the regular varnish layer with a relatively small effort, blow, or a sharp object. Consider, first of all, how to cover up scratches on furniture using factory-made specialized products.
Furniture pencil and stroke
Experienced experts advise using a furniture touch that matches the tone. According to experienced craftsmen, such funds currently have a number of advantages:
- The preparations are harmless for wooden surfaces, do not corrode varnish and are practically invisible.
- Low consumption allows for the restoration to be carried out at a minimum cost.
- At normal room temperature, the stroke dries quickly.
- The created coating is resistant to moisture and sunlight. It does not get dirty, does not pollute the atmosphere in the room with extraneous odors.
- It can be varnished to prolong its life.
Note! Universal products in this category are suitable for the restoration of products from solid wood, fiberboard, chipboard, laminate, plywood, cork, and some polymer materials.
Typical algorithm of working operations:
- remove dirt from the damaged part;
- a scratch is pre-painted with a marker to match the furniture;
- shake the stroke, unscrew the cap;
- 2-3 layers are successively applied;
- leave to dry for 10-15 minutes;
- the excess is removed with a dampened cloth;
- Apply a topcoat to protect and create a shiny, smooth surface.
If the product is too thick, dilute it with heated water. By the way, the stroke does not deteriorate when frozen. Of course, you must wait until it thaws before using. It is convenient to experiment with mixing different colors on glass. The sample is then applied to the damaged surface for visual inspection.
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How to remove scratches from furniture with wood wax
To decorate deep damage, use suitable consumables. As in the previous version, they start by choosing the desired shade. After removing the dirt, wax is applied with a knife or rubbed into small scratches. The surplus is removed with a plastic bank card or other improvised device. After drying, the surface is polished with a soft cloth. A material with a pile will do.
What other means can you paint over scratches on furniture
Minor defects are eliminated with stain. It penetrates deeply into the structure of wood products, does not change the original texture. These features are better compared to conventional enamels and paints, which form a solid, solid layer. For verification, a sample is made on the lower part of the countertop, another hidden part of the product.
Experienced specialists carry out a preliminary check to select the appropriate restoration technology. They take White Spirit, moisten a soft tissue swab with it, and hold it several times over the damaged area. Conclusions are made taking into account the characteristic reactions:
- The color has not changed, which means that only the surface varnish layer is damaged.
- Slight shading indicates a relatively small defect. It is quite possible to use the wax recovery scheme.
- With a significant change in tone, the fibers are damaged. Repair is required with the successive use of several special tools.
You should study in detail how to repair deep scratches on furniture. In this case, you will need acrylic or other specialized wood putty. It is applied with a plastic / rubber spatula.
After the composition has dried, the surface is leveled with zero emery paper. Felt is then used to create a perfectly smooth surface. Exact color matching is ensured by mixing the stain into the mixture or finishing with a dye.
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How to remove scratches from polished furniture with handy tools
If you do not have time to visit stores, you can use the technologies presented in this section. In addition to simplicity, they are distinguished by minimal financial costs.
How to remove scratches from lacquered furniture with tea leaves or iodine
Insist infusion from black tea. Use a swab to apply the product sequentially until the desired tone is obtained. A similar result can be obtained with iodine. Use a fabric that does not leave lint on the treated surface. Also use:
- cigarette ash;
- a mixture of olive oil with vinegar in a ratio of 75% and 25%, respectively;
- matching paint / cream for shoes;
- engine and transmission oil.
The photo shows how to remove scratches from dark wood furniture with raw walnuts. When fried, this product contains a minimum amount of dyes, so the beneficial effect will be worse.
How to cover up large scratches on furniture
You can buy ready-made mastic or prepare a full-fledged analogue at home using a simple recipe:
- colorless wax (20 g) is melted over low heat in a suitable metal container;
- turpentine (15 g) is carefully poured in with stirring;
- after 2-3 minutes, add alcohol (10 g);
- removed from heat, cooled to room temperature.
Such a tool is suitable for various restoration work. By varying the proportions of the wax, a thicker composition can be obtained for sealing deep scratches and cracks. It is applied with a soft spatula, which is not capable of damaging adjacent areas. On a relatively flat surface, use a woolen cloth moistened with gasoline. How to remove deep scratches on wooden furniture with the simplest tool at hand? Try mayonnaise. It is applied to the damaged area with a thick layer. The tree absorbs the oily composition and swells. Even fairly large cracks gradually disappear. The color can be corrected during the finishing process using the above techniques.
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How to remove scratches from a glass table using different technologies
Glass is much stronger and more resistant to external influences than wood. However, scratches are formed on such surfaces. To eliminate them, apply:
- specialized kits for the restoration of automotive glass;
- transparent nail polish;
- toothpaste.
The last resort will require considerable effort. It is used for surface grinding followed by rinsing.
This tool was created in the early 30s of the last century. Despite its considerable "age", its consumer parameters are highly valued by professionals and ordinary users. The polishing is done by hand without undue effort
Note! Homemade pasta can be made with baking soda and water.
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Restoration of the appearance of products made from other materials
Leather products are restored with beeswax or specialized wax. If the color suits, the scratches are masked with nail polish.
Plastic surfaces are softened with a powerful building hair dryer. The procedure is carried out carefully so as not to deform the product.
Such articles are processed with a consistent decrease in the grit size of the abrasive material. At certain stages, you can apply the post "GOI". With high-quality performance of technological operations, an ideally smooth mirror surface will be obtained.
Additional Information
In any case, a thorough preliminary study is necessary to clarify the characteristics of the damage. This information will help you figure out how to remove scratches from furniture quickly and inexpensively. Ask questions in the comments to the publication. Leave here your own tips and comments on the results of the practical application of different techniques.