Lighting the corridor in the apartment: photos and organization methods
There is no natural light in this part of the residential building. That is why you should pay special attention to the appropriate equipment. It has important decorative and practical functions. To create quality lighting the corridor in the apartment photo not enough. It is necessary to study the technical capabilities of specialized devices and methods of their application.
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Correct lighting organization
It can be helpful to identify specific needs first:
- Guests are the first to see this room, therefore it is necessary to create an impeccable appearance.
- The lighting system in a long corridor is best controlled automatically. This will reduce the burden on users and at the same time improve economic performance during operation.
- A special arrangement of light sources and a certain spectrum of radiation can be eliminated, or delicately masked existing architectural flaws.
In the future, when considering different options, all important factors in the complex will be taken into account.
Sources of light
The modern market offers many opportunities. However, some light sources are not interchangeable. Therefore, at the preparatory stage, you need to make the right decision:
- Conventional incandescent lamps are used less frequently every year. They convert a significant part of the consumed electricity into thermal radiation.
- Somewhat better are halogen lamps. They are used as point light sources.
- Gas discharge lamps are more economical.But when choosing one must remember that some series of devices create an unnatural "daylight". It distorts real colors, so the original intention of the designer can be distorted.
The most promising are LED devices.
LEDs are distinguished by their durability, resistance to vibration, power surges in the network. With frequent switching, they do not fail, therefore they are well suited for automated systems.
What lamps to choose for lighting in the hallway: photos and descriptions of structures
The appearance of the products is not difficult to choose taking into account a specific design.
Separately, you should consider the lighting in the corridor using stretch ceilings, photos with examples.
Design and solution of individual problems
Modern software is used to create virtual layouts of future rooms.
It is convenient to work with such materials. Various color combinations can be reproduced with a high degree of realism. It is permissible to study close, from afar, from different angles. In some programs, you can change the intensity and direction of the lights.
When conducting experiments, remember the following professional techniques:
- Light colors and bright colors have a positive effect on the human psyche.
- White color - "enlarges" the space, gives lightness.
- Vertical lines visually increase the height of the ceilings. They are created not only with drawings, but also with the corresponding direction of light.
- The general light is supplemented with local devices. They are installed to focus the audience's attention on paintings, ornaments in niches.
- Illuminated mirrors, niches in closets solve practical problems.
Note! Use light rays directed upwards along the walls should be careful. They reveal the smallest irregularities. This technique is only suitable for perfectly flat surfaces.
Corridor lighting in the apartment: photo examples
Collected below are examples of how theories have been put into practice by experienced professionals. Commenting on drawings will help you better understand the designers' ideas. They can be used to solve various functional and aesthetic problems.
Ceiling lighting
Tension structures are often used to decorate this part of the room. A professional team installs them in a few hours.
Floor and wall lighting
To install devices in different elements of building structures, an accurate preliminary calculation is required. Power system cables are laid according to plan. Don't forget about placement switches, motion sensors, and other auxiliary devices.
Selection of interior elements
The choice of wall lamps for the hallway and corridor: conclusions and recommendations
Comparatively small spaces are difficult to work with. But, as the above examples confirm, you can get the desired result in the most difficult conditions. The following tips will come in handy:
- When approving the parameters of the project, it is necessary to take into account the overall appearance and practical nuances.
- The luminaires are placed in such a way as not to overly complicate the replacement of failed lamps.
- In places with limited access, especially reliable LED devices are installed.
- Management can be integrated into a single system.
- To simplify maintenance and ensure a high level of safety, all electricity consumers in hallway combined into one group. It is connected to the power supply through one automatic switch.
Specialized software will help speed up and simplify the development of project documentation.
Video: soaring stretch ceiling with one-color backlighting in the hallway