Wiring diagram for a two-button switch: installation nuances
Wiring in a private house or apartment is a rather difficult job that requires some knowledge and utmost care. However, it does not always make sense to call specialists to replace some equipment. For example, the replacement or even installation of switches can be completely done by the home craftsman himself. Today we will try to figure out how complex the connection diagram of a two-button switch is, having considered the one-button switch along the way. And for the convenience of the dear reader, we will also provide step-by-step instructions for such work with photo examples.
The content of the article
- 1 The simplest option is a diagram for connecting a one-button switch to a light bulb
- 2 Wiring diagram of a two-button switch and its nuances
- 3 Summarizing
- 4 Video: connecting a two-button switch for 2 lights
The simplest option is a diagram for connecting a one-button switch to a light bulb
The main thing that should be understood before starting the production of electrical work is how to feed consumers. Electric voltage should be applied to the lighting device as follows: the neutral wire from the junction box goes directly to the light bulb, but the phase wire goes through the switch.
Important! If a neutral wire passes through the breaker, then when the contacts are opened, the voltage from the lighting device will not be removed. This means there is a risk of electric shock, which is deadly.
In the connection diagram light switches there are no difficulties with one key. From the junction box, located above it, the neutral wire goes directly to the lighting device, and the phase wire goes down to the breaker, and already leaving it, goes to the light bulb.Thus, when the key is pressed, the circuit is broken, and the power supply to the lamp ceases. And yet, even if the home craftsman is sure that the switch is installed correctly, during repair work, it is necessary to completely de-energize the line from the input switchboard.
And now we will provide the dear reader with step-by-step instructions on how to connect a one-button light switch. And for a more complete understanding, it will be supported by photo examples of the actions performed.
Instructions for connecting light switches with one key with illustrations
To begin with, let's clarify that with such work, you should pay attention to some things:
- The tool must be dielectric coated;
- The insulation of the instrument must not be damaged (cracks, chips);
- When disconnecting the voltage from the input board, hang a sign “Do not turn on! People work! ”;
- The best option would be to ask someone to be near the shield during installation.
Table 1. Instructions for connecting the circuit breaker
But quite often the question arises of how to connect a one-button light switch together with an outlet. Now everything will become clear.
Table 2. Connection of a one-button switch together with a socket
As you can see, there are no difficulties in this work, but accuracy and care is necessary here.
Very important! The arc generated by a short circuit is brighter and hotter than when working with a welding machine. This means that if a short circuit occurs in the immediate vicinity of the eyes, then a sleepless night is guaranteed. Fortunately, if the vision remains the same and does not deteriorate. Therefore, extreme care should be taken when working with electrical voltages.
If you completely understand this circuit, then it will not be difficult to connect more complex switches (having 2 keys).
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Wiring diagram of a two-button switch and its nuances
The wiring diagram for switches with two buttons has one feature.One phase wire goes from the junction box to the breaker, but 2 of them will go to the lighting device. The fact is that in a two-key device there are already 2 contacts, which are closed at the input to each other. Thus, power from one wire is supplied to both contacts at once. Including one or the other, we supply power to this or that consumer.
Wiring diagram for two-button switches for two lights
The essence of the wiring in the junction box is similar to the previous version. The neutral wire goes from the supply wire directly to both lamps, and the phase wire goes to the switch. At the same time, due to the fact that there are already 2 phase wires from the breaker, the first will supply one consumer, and the second will supply another. Thus, we will be able to turn on each of the lamps separately.
We will definitely consider the step-by-step instructions for installing a circuit for connecting double switches for two lamps below. And now it makes sense to understand how to mount a three-arm chandelier with separate inclusion.
How to connect a chandelier to a double switch and is it difficult to do it
The first thing to do before connecting chandeliers to the double switch, it is to figure out which of the three wires coming out of it is neutral. For this you need to use multimeter or a self-made device, popularly called "Arkashka".
Self-made dialing
We will need any battery-operated children's toy with a sound or light alert function. The most convenient way to do this is to use a children's toy phone. Having opened its case, we find contacts, the closure of which is accompanied by light or sound. It is from them that we bring 2 wires out. The toy will now be triggered if the wires touch.
Now you need to screw incandescent lamps into the chandelier (energy saving or LED will not work here) and ring the wires coming out of the chandelier in pairs. If there is a circuit in the pair (the device is triggered), then this is a phase and zero. If there is no contact, then this indicates that two phase wires have been found. It is to them that power is supplied from two conductors coming from the switch, and the third is connected to "zero".
Important information! Such dialing is necessary before connecting the chandelier to a double switch, even if the lamp wires differ in color and there is a diagram. After all, inattention is possible at the plant. If a mistake is made, a short circuit will occur. The most harmless thing that will happen in this case is that the contacts on the breaker will burn out and the input machine will turn off. But it can be worse, up to burnout of the wiring.
Connecting a two-button switch with a socket - is it difficult to perform it
There are few differences in the wiring diagrams for two-button switches and sockets with one-button switches. If there are no questions left on previous connections, then there should be no problems here either. But it is still worth dwelling on this in more detail.
Important! Don't underestimate the importance of every action. Electrical engineering does not forgive even the slightest miscalculations. If anyone doubts this, we suggest watching a short video. He will make it clear how jokes with electricity can end.
Let's take a step-by-step look at how to mount a double switch in conjunction with an outlet.
The nuances of connecting two-button switches together with an outlet
Probably, after the previous explanations, the wiring in the junction box should not be a problem. One has only to clarify that 4 wires will go from it to the "switch-socket" unit (zero and phase input and 2 phases - output to the lamps).
Table 3.Connecting a two-button switch with a socket
Important information! If there is even the slightest doubt that a home craftsman can do the installation on his own, then it would be better to contact a specialist. Electric jokes are bad. And even if professionals can be mistaken, then inexperienced craftsmen are even more so.
Install double light switches in conjunction with sockets, usually in hallway, on a bundle bathroom-bathroom. Installation is also possible in the living room, where there is a multi-track chandelier. Recently, they are quite common in living rooms, when installing backlights multilevel ceilings, three-key breakers. Of course, there are more difficulties in connecting such devices, but the principle is the same. With this installation, a phase and a neutral will go from the junction box to the switch, and 3 phase wires will go back. The main task here is not to confuse the loading and zero wiring.
In general, the installation of a double switch is elementary. The most common problem in such work is the overestimation of their strength by the home master. At the same time, you should not think that when you turn to professionals for help, everything will be done perfectly. There are quite a few such "masters" now who cannot even collect general information on the Internet ...
Very important! If the "professional" you invited calls the apartment network 220 V "two-phase", then it is better to refuse his services. There are no two-phase networks - there is only one-phase and three-phase. This must be remembered. 220 v in an apartment is a single-phase two-wire system.
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What conclusion can be drawn from all the information presented today?
- Basic knowledge of electrical engineering is required for such work;
- Installation of electrical equipment requires the utmost care and accuracy;
- There are no trifles in the work of an electrician;
- Before starting work, you must turn off the power from the input board;
- Remember that electric shock is dangerous to life and health.
We hope that today's information was useful to the dear reader. If you still have questions or you do not agree with the author in something, you can express your thoughts in the discussions. We will try to answer your questions as fully as possible. We also ask you to tell about your experience - this will be useful for novice masters. And finally, we suggest watching another small video on the topic.