Solar battery for a summer residence: a set, features of choice
Electricity is essential for a comfortable life. In the city, all residents have uninterrupted access to the power grid. However, when going out of town, for example, to a summer cottage, you need to be prepared for various incidents related to electricity. So, some people lose it for several days. This trouble can be solved by installing solar panels that will supply the country house with electricity around the clock. However, a solar battery for a summer residence whose kit consists of many components has its pros and cons. Let's find out what is included in the set of summer cottage solar panels, the principle of operation of the device, the advantages and disadvantages of solving their installation.
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Integral solar cells
A solar battery is not one device, as many people think, but several parts that together allow you to convert solar energy into electrical energy.
Consider what a solar battery for giving a kit consists of:
- Panels, they are also batteries, are the main element of the device. Their main function is to accumulate and transform sunlight. The panels are made from photovoltaic cells, which can hold ultraviolet rays in the battery for a long time until the inverter converts solar energy;
- The inverter is also an integral part of the kit. Its task is to convert the rays of the sun into alternating current with a voltage of 220 V;
- The battery is necessary if you are overtaken by a sudden power outage, and the sun has gone behind the clouds. Modern innovative technologies make it possible to use solar panels as intended, even if there is no sun. The accumulator accumulates the surplus solar rays, and transfers them to the inverter in the event that the panels cannot receive the light of the sun;
- Wires and connectors - connect all of the above elements to each other.If they get frayed or deteriorate, they will have to be replaced immediately, since their damage will lead to a breakdown of the power supply system.
Typically, all of these components are sold together. They can be purchased at specialized stores.
Video: Overview of Solar Panels
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How solar panels work
As mentioned above, a solar battery kit for a summer cottage consists of four components, the main of which is the panel. It is made from photocells. In turn, a photocell is a modified grain of sand that heats up when exposed to sunlight. By interacting with a thin layer of phosphorus, solar cells conduct solar energy to the inverter.
How does an inverter work?
An inverter is a special device that operates at a specific voltage (from 150 to 1000 V). It generates solar energy, which has already been partially processed by the panel, into electrical energy. Surplus electricity not used by residents of the house is sent to the battery. There they accumulate in case there is a power outage.
Advantages and disadvantages of solar panels
To begin with, consider the advantages of installing this design:
- Significant money savings electricity costs... Your family will consume much less electricity from the network, due to which payments for electricity will be significantly reduced;
- Independence from power plant operation. If in the city the light is rarely turned off for a long time, then in summer cottages the lack of electricity for 1-2 days is a normal phenomenon. However, with solar panels you will have light despite running the power plant;
- Durability. All structural elements are made of reliable metal alloys, the sand is heated to a maximum temperature until it becomes as hard as steel. Experts point out that solar panels go without maintenance for decades;
- Allows you to keep the atmosphere clean. Power plants do irreparable harm to the environment, while solar panels are an environmentally friendly device that does not affect the environment in any way.
The disadvantages include the following points:
- Uninterrupted access to electricity is not always possible. In the summer, the use of solar panels is quite advisable, while in the winter, the device is unlikely to be effective. However, given that living in country houses most often occurs on summer days, this minus can be ignored;
- High price. As a rule, it is impossible to gradually pay tens of thousands of rubles for a structure - you need to pay the entire amount at once. Some families cannot do this.
Now that you know what are the advantages and disadvantages of solar panels for summer cottages in the kit, you can weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision.
Calculation of energy consumption and payback
An approximate calculation of energy consumption is shown in the following photo:
In the first table, we see the devices that consume electricity, their number in the house (approximate), power, operating time and output power, measured in kW. The second table gives an idea of the amount that will have to be paid to purchase the equipment.
Many are interested in the question of how quickly the cost of solar panels and their components pays off. Experts answer that, on average, the purchase of a structure pays off in 5-7 years.In countries where the sun shines all year round, this period is reduced to 2-3 years. The main factor affecting the return on investment of an installation is the amount of solar energy falling on the panels. The smaller it is, the longer the battery will pay off. However, considering the rapid rise in electricity prices and the constant decline in the cost of solar panels, buying a structure is a great option for those who want to save money.
- A solar cell is an efficient device for converting ultraviolet rays into electricity. There is no other such alternative yet;
- The design consists of 4 elements, each of which is integral and necessary for the efficient operation of the system;
- Despite the long payback period of the structure, its installation is quite advisable, because electricity prices are constantly growing.
Video: installing a network inverter