Wood-burning fireplaces for home: modern interpretations of classic engineering solutions
Despite the emergence of new products that perform similar functions, wood-burning fireplaces for the home are in high demand. Many users are unable to imagine how a real flame can be replaced with a dynamic image and a built-in electric heater. They are right at least in the fact that it has not yet been possible to reproduce the original with a high degree of realism.
In addition to the specific smell of smoke, a classic engineering structure is able to provide additional heat. This is useful in emergency situations when the main system fails. It should be noted the special decorative value of the wood-burning fireplace for the home. Today, like hundreds of years ago, it is a symbol of respectability and prosperity.
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Different wood burning fireplaces for home
There is no strict division into groups. Nevertheless, the creation of separate categories for certain characteristics will simplify the study of technical and other characteristics. But almost all of these products have the following elements:
- Firebox. Its dimensions determine the maximum heat output and the amount of solid fuel that can be placed here at the same time. All adjacent surfaces are created using heat-resistant materials.
- The classic version is the open front. A lattice is installed below, holding the logs.
- The fuel is placed on a cast-iron grate, under which an ash pan is installed. It is used not only for garbage collection. By changing the access of air to this area, the blowing is increased / decreased. This is used, for example, to ignite damp firewood.
- A chamber of complex shape is located above the firebox. Smoke accumulates here and at the same time an obstacle is created to the free movement of warm air.This element significantly improves the efficiency of the fireplace and prevents combustion products from entering the room.
- For traction adjustment at the bottom chimney cut in a branch with an adjustable damper ("gate").
- The portal serves as a decorative frame.
- The floor in front of the fireplace is protected from sparks with a sheet of metal or an insert made of non-combustible material.
- The purpose of the chimney is clear from the name. At high altitudes, sometimes a forced installation is required. exhaust systems... "Umbrellas" are installed on the pipe to prevent precipitation from entering.
Classification by installation method
Typical "English" fireplaces are built into the walls. This solution saves space, but does not use fuel resources efficiently. Performance is especially low when installed in the outer contour of a building. The disadvantage is the significant interference in the design. In order not to worsen excessively the strength of the structure, such an installation must be foreseen during the construction of a house, or it must be carried out according to a special engineering project.
The fireplace, together with the chimney, functional and decorative paneling, can be attached to the wall. In this case, the power frame will not be damaged. You will need passages through the floors. They are created with protective inserts if contact with combustible materials is expected.
A free-standing fireplace can separate zones for different purposes. It is used as a particularly expressive design element.
Note! Experts say that this option significantly reduces efficiency. But this point of view can be challenged. "English" type of installation is accompanied by heating of the wall, which accumulates heat. With the appropriate framing of the firebox and chimney of the "island" fireplace, you can get even higher heat output.
Stove fireplace for country houses and other functional products
To improve fire safety and prevent smoke from entering, modern models are equipped with opening windows.
Self-production of complex structures from bricks even experienced craftsmen have natural difficulties. A cast iron firebox made by a factory method is a simple solution to complex problems.
Stoves combined with a fireplace are created in various combinations and modifications. It is necessary to decide in advance whether the following features and elements will be needed or not:
- cooking food;
- warm bed;
- an additional device included in the general circuit of the heating system.
The use of fireplaces in living room interiors: photo
It's easier to understand the potential benefits with specific examples. Below are pictures of design solutions for different styles, interiors.
How to create a fireplace with your own hands: step by step instructions and photos
If the standard ready-made kits do not suit you, or are too expensive, use the following algorithm. With its help, it will not be difficult to create a corner fireplace with your own hands, and detailed step-by-step instructions will help you not to make mistakes:
- Determine the exact installation location. To ensure that dimensions do not interfere with free movement, make a check - lay on the floor stencil with the contours of the finished product.
- The project will come in handy.It should contain drawings of the main structure, decorative and functional cladding. The application must draw up a list of materials, components, tools.
- Work begins with site preparation and protection of the surrounding area. Fixed surfaces are covered with plastic wrap and masking tape. Furniture and dismantled equipment are removed from the premises. Part of the ceiling is disassembled for the outlet of the chimney.
- Any fireplace weighs a lot, so you will need to install a foundation sufficient for the corresponding loads.
- After the concrete hardens, brickwork is performed according to a special drawing with a sequential arrangement of elements in each row.
- A chimney is being installed. When installing the structure, one must remember about the expansion of its elements with an increase in temperature and comply with the standards of fire safety rules.
- Mount the skin from drywall, decoration, shutters and other functional details.
After checking the functionality, you can clean up and start daily operation.
Conclusions and recommendations
The following tips will help you minimize misconceptions during a related project:
- Before creating fireplace stoves for a country house out of brick, determine exactly what your needs are. When connecting such equipment, careful adjustment and coordination of the operation of all parts of the heating system will be required.
- After preparing the project, check how much the finished product will cost, its installation by experienced specialists.
- When comparing DIY and professional installation options, consider not only the main but also the indirect costs.
- Be sure to check the ability to reproduce all technologies with your own hands.
If the comprehensive assessment does not confirm the preliminary conclusions, use the services of specialized specialists. Do not forget to determine the level of responsibility of the contractor and warranty obligations when placing an order.
Video: how to make a fireplace in 3.5 hours