Alpine slide with stones in the country with your own hands: photos and examples of implementation
FROMAn alpine slide with stones in the country house with your own hands will help to create an original landscape on the territory of a suburban area: photos of which can be viewed in this review. If there is an unevenness or ledge in the country, you can try to create a similar structure.Alpine slides are made in the form of mountainous slopes, rocky surfaces or plateaus. You can build a composition of unusual plants and stones of the original configuration on your own. Moreover, it can be given any size and shape.
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Features of the alpine slide
Projects of alpine slides with stones in the country with their own hands, the photos of which are presented below, are non-standard solutions. There are good rules for creating these objects, but bringing ideas to life is just a creative approach.
There are two types of flower beds - rockery and rock garden. These are different ways arrangement of flower beds... Rockery belongs to the classic types of garden. Most of the structure is stone. An indispensable element of a rock garden is a large stone or even several, which symbolize a mountain peak.
Interesting fact! The homeland of the alpine slide is Japan. It was in this country that they learned to create beauty and splendor in small areas due to the lack of territories. In Europe, similar flower beds appeared in the 16th century. At the same time, intricate plants were transplanted from the natural conditions of the mountain environment.
To make an original alpine slide, the following conditions are required:
- The presence of boulders of attractive shapes and different sizes.
- The site must be located on a slope and have uneven terrain.
- The correct drainage system must be formed. For this, rubble, broken brick or sand are used.
- A variety of plants are used that are planted on the slopes.
If possible, an alpine slide with stones in the country with your own hands, the photos and types of which can be very diverse, should be isolated from playground and outbuildings... Such an object should be located close to water supply sources and recreation areas. Do not place a slide near lush flower beds.
Useful advice! The height of the slide should not contrast strongly with the surrounding landscape. Colors, textures and shapes should be in harmony with all the elements around.
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Varieties and styles of rockeries and alpine slides
Rockery is a simplified version of an alpine slide. An important difference is the absence of a hill. Behind an alpine slide with stones in the country with your own hands, the photos and types of which are presented below, you need constant care.
The following types of rock garden are distinguished:
- A popular option is a rocky slide, which is a small hill with scattered stones.
- The architectural slide consists of terraces rectangular, which are mounted with slabs in the form of a staircase. Natural stone is used for the walls.
- The landscape rock garden combines a rocky plain, a rocky slope or a waterfall. It suits any architectural structure.
- For the arrangement of the terraced slope, special limestone is used. A similar element consists of support walls.
- Rocks and cliffs are considered the original solution of the rock garden. They look great with hilly landscapes.
- The mountain slope is an accurate imitation of high mountain areas. In this case, plants in the form of pyramids are used.
- A mountain valley is considered an interesting and stylish composition.
- An alpine lawn is considered a stylish option. It can look like an alpine meadow between boulders standing at a certain distance.
- The composition of a forest ravine can be decorated with a spring or an artificial waterfall.
Do-it-yourself options for an alpine slide with stones in the country can be seen in the photo. In different countries, such structures have their own characteristics.
By planning landscape design on the site, it is worth considering the following areas:
- The English-style slide is decorated with many ornamental plants. Cereals and conifers are predominant.
- Japanese buildings are decorated with lanterns and various bodies of water. In this case, source simulations can be used.
- In a Chinese garden, the slide is covered with a lot of stones. Also, the landscape is complemented by water, which can occupy most of the site and stone bridges and islets.
- The Karelian style is characterized by the use of torn and chipped stones, which are laid in horizontal layers. From plants, dwarf spruces are used.
Helpful information! Rockeries can be flat. With their help, the site is divided into functional zones.
Video: 50 examples of an alpine slide for every taste
Installation steps
Previously, such landscape design structures were created on country estates by designers. Now you can create a beautiful object on your own site using step-by-step instructions.
Site selection
Work on the creation of the slide begins with the marking of the area. The place under the structure should be well lit and noticeable. The sun-drenched southern side of the site will do. It should be borne in mind that a pile of boulders is not suitable for a small area. Do not place a garden of stones along fence or against the background of fruit trees.
Helpful information! Designers advise placing a slide near a pond or next to a recreation area.
Preparatory work
Do-it-yourself installation of an alpine slide with stones in the country, which can be seen in the photo, presupposes a high-quality drainage system. Depending on the planned dimensions of the structure, a pit is pulled out. To create the bottom layer, apply a split brick or gravel. Then sand is spread. All layers are well filled with water. The soil for the structure can be purchased or prepared by yourself. To do this, the soil mixture must be mixed with peat in a ratio of 3 to 1. Then a little gravel is added to the composition. First, drainage is done, and soil is laid on top.
Drainage system
Drainage is carried out to protect against excess water. Heavy accumulation of water leads to poor plant growth and subsidence of stones. For the drainage layer, rubble and pebbles are selected.
Laying stones
Stones are laid in tiers. In this case, large boulders are used for laying out the base. Smaller stones are laid out on top. For the stability of the composition, two-thirds of large boulders are buried in the ground.
When installing stones, some parameters should be taken into account:
- The dimensions of the boulders are selected in proportion to the dimensions of the rock garden.
- The decor of the slide should look natural.
- The pile is made of stones of a certain breed.
Do-it-yourself terraced alpine slide with stones in the country house: the photo is made of rocks of rough relief. The stones are installed on the slope in the form of stone walls and have different lengths and shapes. Polished and smooth stones look good next to an artificial reservoir.
Helpful information! On a site with different levels, all elements are laid out evenly. When creating a flat structure, the stones are deepened by half. Large stones are the central accent in the composition, while small ones are used to decorate borders.
Plant selection
The composition will be decorated with a combination of stones and plants. The natural landscape will help create perennial flowers, conifers and wild cereals. Plants are selected depending on the location and general style of decoration. First, the territory of the structure is compacted and watered, and then you can begin to plant the plants.
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How to choose the right stones and plants for rockeries
Most often, limestone, slate or tuff is used for alpine slides and rockeries. When choosing stones, the most important parameters are durability and decorativeness.
Designers recommend using the following breeds:
- Limestone is prized for its multicolored colors. With its help, various imitations of mountain slopes are created.
- Granite is considered a durable material.
- Porous tuff is characterized by its lightness and strength.
- Sandstone can maintain sharp edges longer and is also beautifully colored.
- Slate is a hard rock that is not susceptible to weathering.
Useful advice! To give the composition a more natural look, it is not recommended to use stones with fresh chips.
The basic plants for planting in rock gardens are conifers. Junipers, thuja and cypresses are suitable.
Then ornamental deciduous shrubs are planted. Designers recommend boxwood, barberry and cotoneaster. At the end, perennial flowers are planted. Daffodils, tulips, primroses and iberises look spectacular. Geraniums or saxifrages are planted in the crevices. Lumbago and edelweiss are also suitable. By combining a variety of plants, you can create a unique slide design.
Useful advice! In order not to look for suitable plants for a long time, it is recommended to pay attention to forest and field wild specimens.
Care Tips
Plants need basic care. Deciduous and cultivated crops need to be pruned. You also need to monitor the appearance of weeds and remove them. Mulch is poured regularly, which reduces moisture evaporation. The soil under the plants is periodically loosened. After the roots appear, the soil is fertilized.
Helpful information! To prevent the soil from eroding, it is planned to create special pockets or terraces for the soil.
If you wish, you can create a beautiful alpine slide on your own site. If you follow the instructions and choose high-quality material, then the landscape design on the site will be supplemented with a stylish structure. Also, do not forget about caring for rockeries. Subject to all conditions, the structure will serve for many years.
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