Sauna projects with a relaxation room and a terrace for self-construction
From time immemorial bath was an attribute of any wealthy home. Today the situation has not changed: the construction is being erected on the summer cottages of elite country cottages. It is always pleasant to take a steam bath in the sauna after a hard day at work. In addition, for some people, going there is a whole ritual, during which feasts and gatherings with friends are arranged. Therefore, many people decide to build a bath with their own hands. We offer you projects of a bath with a relaxation room and a terrace, which will help you to build a building on your own without resorting to the expensive help of specialists.
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Video: project of a bath from a bar with a pool
Where to build a bathhouse?
When drawing up a project for a bath with a relaxation room and a terrace, you need to take into account the size of your summer cottage. If the space allows, you can build an extensive structure located at a distance of 40-50 meters from the home.
If the size of the site does not allow building a bathhouse so far, keep a distance of at least 10 meters. If there is no place at all, it is recommended to consider options for combining the bath with other buildings.
It is advisable to locate the building near a reservoir: a river, sea, canal.
It is also good if the bathhouse will stand on a small elevation in relation to other buildings in the country.
Materials for building a bath
To bring to life projects of a bath with a relaxation room and a terrace, you should purchase the following materials in advance:
- Wooden boards for the construction of the foundation and walls structures... These can be regular logs, glued beams or profiled beams. When buying them, you should make sure that the fibers of the boards are smooth and even. Otherwise, cracks and discrepancies may appear in the bath in the future;
- Sand and gravel.These elements are needed to build a solid foundation. They are poured just before concrete is poured onto the site;
- Concrete. Serves as a base for arranging the foundation;
- Thermal insulation materials. Like any other building, the bathhouse needs to be insulated so that it is comfortable to be in it during the cold season. Moreover, during bath procedures, people are lightly dressed or completely naked.
Insulation for walls inside the house in the country. What thermal insulation materials exist, which ones to choose in each case. Read on!
But before buying all the necessary materials, you need to develop a project: choose a configuration, make a drawing, develop engineering communications, etc.
Sauna projects with a terrace and a relaxation room
The sauna with a relaxation room is an ideal place for relaxation and gatherings with friends. Constant heat negatively affects the cardiovascular system of the body, so sometimes you need to rest from it.
One-story baths: simple and tasteful
Many owners of small summer cottages want to have their own bathhouse. To do this, it is not necessary to allocate a large area and plan the construction of an entire mansion. Below we will suggest various projects of one-story baths with a relaxation area and a terrace, which can be made of a wide variety of materials.
This building takes up little space and is designed for 2-3 people. The recreation room and the terrace are adjoining rooms, with a separate entrance. In this bath, separate rooms are allocated: a furnace, a bathroom, a steam room, a shower and a relaxation area. Bath have a simple design and can be assembled by hand with a good foundation. Bathrooms can be arranged according to your own taste and wallet.
Another successful project is a one-story building with bedroomwhere guests can be accommodated. This project provides for a larger terrace and a recreation room.
The next example is for lovers of noisy feasts and large groups of friends, since it has large veranda and a rest room.
Sometimes the owners of suburban real estate need to be able to visit the bathhouse in the winter. However, an open veranda will not allow gathering in cold winter, so a project with an intermediate insulated terrace would be an excellent option.
Below are some more successful bath layouts.
Related article:
Bath interior decoration. Photos and examples. In a separate publication you will find interesting ideas for decorating steam rooms and rest rooms, as well as learn the main stages of installation.
Two-storey baths: a kingdom of luxury and opportunity
Most often, such baths are designed and built for the purpose of living and accommodating a large number of guests. In such buildings, a variety of premises can be provided: guest rooms, a billiard room, a swimming pool, a veranda with a barbecue and a stove, separate bathrooms and showers, and many others. The flight of fancy is limited only by the construction budget.
- Before building a bath, it is necessary to develop or select a project;
- Insulation materials are needed for construction;
- It is best to buy a furnace for construction from a specialist;
- The sauna terrace can be built on the same foundation as the sauna.
Video: we build a Russian bath from a bar with our own hands