Water filters for a private house: is it necessary and how to choose?
Increasingly, people are faced with the problem of poor quality tap water. And if in cities where there is a central water supply, it is still somehow purified (although not ideally), then in private territories this is not. In mountainous areas, with many springs, things are better, but in general, water from wells often requires high quality filtration. In our time, many different installations for such cleaning have appeared on store shelves. And in this huge assortment of species, firms and models it is no wonder to get confused. Today we will try to figure out how to choose water filters for a private house and which of the devices is needed in a given situation.
The content of the article
- 1 The use of household filters in everyday life
- 2 How water filters work and their classification
- 3 How filters are divided by cleaning method
- 3.1 Mechanical water filters and their purpose
- 3.2 Ion exchange filters: how they differ from the rest
- 3.3 Reverse osmosis filters for home are the most common type
- 3.4 Aeration system - what is it
- 3.5 Ozonation: how does such a system work?
- 3.6 Ultraviolet and its effect on the body
- 3.7 Carbon filter and its properties
- 4 Average cost of water filters for private houses
- 5 Summarizing
- 6 Video: how to choose a filter for water purification
The use of household filters in everyday life
Drinking water filter has long been not a luxury, but a necessity. In addition, now such equipment can be purchased by a person with any income. After all, manufacturers offer both quite expensive models and budget ones, like filter jugs, which can be bought for 500-700 rubles.Of course, more expensive filters connected to the water supply system provide better cleaning, but there are also nuances here. After all, if you choose the wrong cartridges, the water quality will not change.
Important information! Before purchasing a treatment plant, it is necessary to call specialists for the production of a water examination. Only she can determine what elements are in excess of water. It is according to the results of such an examination that the conclusion is made about the need to purchase filter elements with certain properties.
Household filters for water purification can be placed under the sink or on the wall, located directly on the pipe inlet to the living space, or even stand separately, without mounting to highways. It all depends on the quality of the required filtration and the financial capabilities of the person. It should be understood that the purification of drinking water is very important. The health of all those living in the house depends on this. This means that you should never underestimate the need for filtering.
What is the reason for the need for a water purification system in private houses
The main problem of the private sector is that wells, like some wells, make it possible to take groundwater. And waste of human activity can freely get into them. For example, there is a small garbage dump near a well or well. It rains and everything that is washed out of the waste goes into the soil. Water with harmful impurities reaches through the soil to the first solid layer of the earth and rushes to a well or well. Of course, the soil itself filters it a little, but such natural cleansing does not last forever. Over time, the soil itself on the way to the water going to the well is saturated with harmful substances. As a result, even clean water that has passed through it is saturated with pathogens.
Modern water filtration systems for the home deal fairly well with these problems. At the same time, along the way, cleaning the liquid from excess iron, chlorine and other impurities and even softening too hard. If we talk about filter jugs, which are a budget option, then they can be placed anywhere, they do not require a specific installation location. Of course, such a device will only be enough for one or two people. If there are more people living, then it is worth taking care of purchasing a flow-through or storage water filter for the house. This acquisition may well provide several people with clean drinking water.
Even if the quality of water from a well or well suits you perfectly, it is not always suitable for dishwashers or washing machines. Indeed, in any case, although rarely, but some particles can get into it. For such cases, water treatment in a private house can be carried out using coarse main filters. They cost a little, but they only hold up fairly large fractions.
We'll talk more about the types of water filters for a country house, but for now let's figure out how things are with this in apartments in Russian cities.
Do you need water purification systems in apartments with centralized water supply
This question can only be answered unequivocally - it is absolutely necessary. With the rapid pace of construction of apartment buildings, as well as the lack of modernization of treatment facilities, the quality of tap water in our time leaves much to be desired. The water in the system requires cleaning from excess iron, chlorine, limestone, and sometimes even hydrogen sulfide and other quite harmful substances. Do not forget about the old age of communications. After all, rust from pipes also does not add purity. It is for these purposes that coarse and fine filters are installed in apartments.
Water purification systems for an apartment can be just as varied, which means that the choice of the one necessary in one case or another can be quite complicated. In this case, many parameters must be taken into account. Filters for water in an apartment, as in a private house, can be classified according to various criteria, namely:
- By installation method - storage, main or flow;
- By the degree of purification - it can be rough or fine;
- According to the basic arrangement - cartridge or disk.
Also, filters for water purification in apartments and private houses are distinguished by the method of purification, of which there can be a lot. Today we will certainly analyze each of them in detail, but about everything in order.
First, let's try to figure out the classification of water filtration systems for apartments and private houses.
How water filters work and their classification
First you need to understand how water filters work. Depending on the number of degrees of purification, water in them passes through elements (there can be from 1 to 5), which retain certain contaminants or saturate it with the necessary substances. Most often, in a five-stage purification, water is practically distilled for the last of the elements. At the last stage, it is saturated with salts and minerals in the amount necessary for a person.
If we are talking about jugs, then such a household filter for purifying tap water combines all the stages in one cartridge. At the same time, it is very important to choose a filter element with exactly those qualities that are required. Otherwise, water will not be purified when passing through the cartridge.
Important information! Filters for water purification from wells must necessarily be equipped with coarse cleaning elements. If such water is poured directly into the same filter jug, then its cartridge will instantly become clogged with larger particles, which will prevent it from performing its functions.
Classification of water filters by installation method
Filters for water purification can be installed on the inlet pipe to the dwelling (main) or directly under the sink (flow or storage). In essence, a flow-through filter differs from a storage filter only in the presence of a special reservoir in the latter. Such devices allow you to use purified water for some time even if it stops supplying to the system.
Now our main task will be to understand what kind of work each of these devices does, what difficulties may arise when installing such equipment and what you should pay attention to when purchasing.
The nuances of using main filtering devices
The main water filter for a private house is considered a preliminary one. Of course, it removes sand particles from water, and some models are capable of removing harmful microorganisms, softening water and improving its taste. However, it should be understood that such installations will not be able to purify to the same extent as flow-through or storage-type devices.
Important! Main filters for water purification in the apartment are recommended to be used in conjunction with flow filters. In this case, the water quality will be ideal. However, with a little pollution, such installations can cope with filtration quite well alone.
Related article:
A flow-through main water filter for an apartment and a summer residence. In the article we will consider the types of devices, manufacturers and prices, the nuances of the correct installation of the filter and its operation.
A rather significant advantage of main filters is the presence of a water pressure regulator in them. You should definitely pay attention to this when choosing and purchasing.The pressure regulator allows you to extend the life of not only faucets, but also household appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. The regulator eliminates the risk of water hammer arising when the pump is turned on, which are harmful to household appliances.
The maximum number of degrees of purification for main filters is 3. If a device with one degree is chosen, then here we can only talk about removing large particles such as sand and rust. Such filters require replacement of cartridges at least every six months. In addition, they should be washed periodically, especially when the water is rather dirty and "rusty".
Features of flow and storage water purification devices
The most common location of such filters is under the sink or near the water tap on the wall. It all depends on the presence of the reservoir and its volume. Until recently, installations with five degrees of purification were considered the most effective, but now there are models even with six.
Flow-through filters for water purification in apartments are usually equipped with an additional tap, which is mounted on the sink next to the main one. At the same time, if the main filters are installed on both hot and cold water, then flow filters are often installed only for drinking water purification.
Important information! Not all flow-through water filters for private houses and apartments are capable of operating at normal pressure in the water supply system. Some models require additional installation of the pump. This is the only way sometimes you can create a water pressure of 2.5-3 atm., Which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cleaning device.
And here is how netizens respond about one of these Aquaphor devices:
olga655, Russia, Koryazhma: After installing it in 2013, we used water for cooking and drinking, it has been used for a long time, we changed the filter only in 2015 in April. They coped with the installation easily on their own, it is advisable to treat the connecting hoses with a sealant to avoid leakage. We ordered fast delivery from the company Aquaphor from the website. Service support is fast and efficient. The only drawback is that the tap started to leak six months later. Convenient flow-through design. They did not regret the money spent. We change the filter cartridges every six months, the water has ceased to be hard, has become pleasant to the taste, and has stopped washing the kettle from scale every day.More details on otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3390663.html
Classification of devices according to the degree of cleaning
Two possible degrees can be distinguished here - these are coarse and subtle. Surely, the designations of the degrees themselves speak for themselves, but still it is worth considering devices with various cleaning for a more complete understanding of all the nuances of the choice.
Important information! When installing a filter with multi-stage cleaning, one should not think that its first stages, which are considered coarse, are capable of functioning for a long time without installing an additional main filtration device or at least sedimentation tanks immediately after the emergency taps.
Filtration devices for coarse water purification
Such devices represent a fine mesh that can trap particles. These devices can be both flushed and non-flush. A special feature of coarse wash filters is that they have a special tap. By connecting a hose to the fitting and opening the valve, all the dirt contained in it can be drained. This makes cleaning the mesh easier. If you pay attention to non-flushing ones, then they do not have such a function, which makes it necessary to periodically disassemble the device and clean the mesh. It is to such coarse water filters that sedimentation tanks can be attributed, which are available in almost every apartment or private house. They are installed directly behind an emergency tap or water meter.Such elements are also called filters for treating industrial water, which contains many large particles.
Important information! Even if the water in your apartment or private house meets the standards, then no one is safe from sand, lime or rust getting into it. And this can have a detrimental effect on household appliances connected to the system. It is for this reason that the installation of coarse filters is necessary.
Fine water purification: how it is achieved
The main task of devices for fine cleaning is disinfection, iron removal and water softening. Individual devices can have the function of aeration, ionization and adding necessary salts and minerals to it.
In fact, a tremendous job is being done with filters for fine water purification for apartments. First, various elements gradually purify the water to the state of distilled, and then give it the necessary properties and taste. Of course, such devices require periodic maintenance and replacement of filter elements, but this is already a secondary issue. But at the same time, the quality of water (with the correct selection of cartridges) becomes close to ideal.
Most often, the installation of filters for fine water purification is carried out by specialists, although, having some knowledge in this area, you can install them yourself. You can find information on how to do this in one of our articles.
Important! When purchasing such devices, pay attention to the warranty conditions. Some manufacturers will void warranty service if they install themselves. Their requirements contain a clause stating that installation should be performed only by qualified specialists.
The difference between filters by principle
In principle, such filters can be subdivided into cartridge and disc filters. We can only say that the latter are used much less often, although they are in no way inferior in characteristics to the former. But this only applies to rough cleaning. It is for this reason that such elements are applicable only for the trunk type of devices. Let's try to understand what are the fundamental differences between these filters and what is their principle of operation.
Cartridge filtration systems and how they work
With such systems, everything is more or less clear. Water passes through tanks filled with various substances, which first cleanse it from impurities of a particular composition, and then bring it to the desired state.
The main element of fillers for cartridges is traditionally considered to be activated carbon. It can be cheaper (birch) or it can have a high cost (coconut shell charcoal). Various chemical and mineral substances can also be added.
If we talk about coarse cleaning, then often winding from the finest metal wire or thicker cotton thread is used as a filter element in the cartridge. Such a material is quite capable of trapping particles as small as 20 microns. This is enough to filter out the smallest dust particles, sand or rust.
Cartridge water filters have one drawback - the elements must be replaced after a certain period of time. And if more expensive and high-quality models are selected, then such a replacement can result in a decent amount. But at the same time, the range of cartridge filters for water purification is quite large, compared to disc filters, on which we will now also dwell in more detail.
Features and composition of disc filters
Less common, but not inferior, and in some cases superior in performance to the previous elements. The filter itself is a bag containing a plurality of polymer discs.There are trapezoidal notches on their surfaces. Thanks to such design features, a kind of mesh is formed under water pressure, which retains small particles.
The peculiarity of such an element is that when it becomes clogged, it is enough to rinse the bag under running water, slightly squeezing and unclenching it. This removes all the dirt that has accumulated in the grooves and the filter is ready for use again.
Here are some technical characteristics of disc filters for water.
Table 1. Characteristics of disc filters for water
Disc filter options | The values |
Filtration fineness | 800-20 microns |
Bandwidth | 3 cubic meters meters per hour |
Maximum pressure | 6 atm. |
Filtration area | 90 sq. cm. |
Filter weight | 1.5-1.7 kg. |
Thus, it becomes clear that all cleaning parameters are identical to those of the cartridge elements. In addition, in our time, the manufacturer offers similar filters with automatic flushing, which is quite convenient.
How filters are divided by cleaning method
There are a lot of types of this parameter. It:
- Mechanical cleaning filters;
- Ion exchange devices;
- Reverse osmosis;
- Aeration plants;
- Ozonation systems;
- Ultraviolet;
- Coal.
Which filter for cleaning is better to buy, everyone will have to decide independently, but we will try to help with the choice. And for this, it is necessary to more fully understand which of the household filters for purifying drinking water is intended for what and what functions it performs. Of course, the purpose of some elements can be understood already judging by the name, for example, such as filters for hard water for a private house. But many varieties are not so simple, so let's start.
Related article:
Purification of water from a well from iron. The nuances of water purification from iron impurities, available methods and their description in a separate publication of our portal.
Mechanical water filters and their purpose
Mechanical treatment is most often called primary, coarse filtration. All main filters can be referred to this type. Let's try to understand which manufacturers present products from this segment on the shelves. The most popular brands here are Atoll, Novaya Voda, Geyser and BWT.
Table 2. Popular filters for mechanical water purification
As you can see, the price range is quite large. And this does not necessarily mean lower quality of cheaper products. It's more about the brand and its recognition. After all, any company initially works for its name, and then, regardless of the quality of its products, the name works for it.
In general, mechanical filters for water purification are sold out very quickly nowadays. From conversations with the seller of one of the outlets specializing in such a product, we managed to find out that most often a queue of people wishing to purchase main filters is already formed for the weekly delivery. At the same time, such products are not enough for the whole week.
Ion exchange filters: how they differ from the rest
Among consumers, the rating of such devices is quite high. The main advantages are the following:
- Ultra high cleaning level;
- Removes all bacteria, heavy metals and viruses;
- Removes dissolved gases of residual chlorine, oil products, pesticides, phenol, compounds of hazardous metals and other toxic substances;
- Household filters for softening water retain the mineral composition in it after cleaning;
- Stabilizes the pH level to the optimum for humans;
- Helps water to be charged with negative ions;
- Converts organic salts for easy absorption by the body;
- Provides a high filtration rate, up to several liters per minute;
- Durable in use of cartridges and ease of replacement;
- Has a variety of options for installation;
- Enables visual control of the degree of pollution;
- Provides the ability to install additional degrees of cleaning.
Essentially, ion exchange is water purification by replacing heavy metals with neutral ones. Of course, we will not go into the full course of chemistry, but consumers consider this method to be quite effective. On average, the cost of such filters in the Russian market has stopped at around 1500-3000 rubles. However, you can also find premium models at a price of 90,000-100,000 rubles. The main manufacturers are the same - Aquaphor, Geyser, Novaya Voda and Barrier.
Reverse osmosis filters for home are the most common type
Such reverse osmosis devices for water purification are installed under the sink or above it. The quality of cleaning systems with reverse osmosis reaches 99%. The cost of such devices is distributed as follows.
Table 3. Filters "Atoll"
Table 4. "Aquaphor"
Make and model | Photo | View | Volume, l | Cost, rub |
Aquaphor Crystal | Flowing | No | 2800 | |
Aquaphor Line | Jug | 2,8 | From 350 | |
Aquaphor OSMO-800-5-PN-20 | Reverse osmosis | No | 54000 |
Table 5. "Geyser"
Make and model | Photo | Number of cleaning stages | Volume, l | Cost, rub |
Geyser Prestige-M | 6 | 12 | 8500 | |
Geyser Prestige-P-M | 6 | 12 | 13100 | |
Geyser Prestige-P | 6 | 12 | 12000 |
Reverse osmosis in water filters ensures longevity. For this reason, despite the high cost, such filters are quite popular.
Aeration system - what is it
The name itself speaks for itself. Aeration means oxygenation of water. Many may ask - how is oxygen saturation related to filtration? The answer is simple. Aeration itself does not purify water, but with the help of other substances, saturating it with oxygen, it helps to improve the quality in the end result. For example, aeration of water from a well improves not only its taste, but also increases the level of oxygen in the blood, which has a positive effect on human health. Surely many people know what an "oxygen cocktail" is. This principle is applied here.
The use of a water aeration system is indicated for people with heart disease, hypertension and hypotension, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But, in any case, first you should consult with a specialist.
Ozonation: how does such a system work?
Surely every student knows that ozone promotes oxidation. That is why water is sometimes purified by ozonation. So it is directed more towards deironing. If your water does not contain an excess of iron, then such cleaning is clearly useless. Ozone increases the intensity of iron oxidation, as a result, the particles begin to be covered with additional processes. In simple terms, they "rust". Having increased, such particles can no longer pass where simple water seeps freely.
Important information! Ozonation of water is contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Ozone, in addition to its main work, partially remains in water. As a result, an allergic person, consuming such water, automatically increases the risk of a reaction.
Is ozonation beneficial or harmful - this question should be left to the competence of the doctor. But reviews of such devices speak volumes.
Denissasha, Ukraine, Chernivtsi: Ozone, in acceptable concentrations, has a lot of useful properties. You can ozonize drinking water, air, process food, cuts, burns and trophic ulcers.Ozonation of water and products is safe, all microflora and microfauna die in the water, even the one that undergoes chlorination, and the remains of drugs, hormones and other gifts of great chemistry are washed out of the meat during processing. It has been checked that the processing of home-made village chicken practically does not give results, chicken meat purchased in stores after processing is almost always covered with nasty mucus that must be washed off. How, what and how much to process is written in the instructions for the ozonizer.More details on otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_167392.html
Ultraviolet and its effect on the body
Here we can say with confidence that such devices effectively fight against pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. For example, we can cite UV lamps, which can be seen in the treatment rooms and operating rooms of polyclinics and hospitals. Like them, ultraviolet water filters completely disinfect the liquid. But there are also negative sides. All the nutrients contained in the water also die.
Carbon filter and its properties
Coal itself is an absorbent material. This means that any resins, formaldehydes and other similar substances are retained by them. Today, a charcoal water filter is considered the best when it comes to cleaning.
In fact, if you think about it, no cartridge is complete without such a layer. This suggests that the use of a carbon filter for water purification provides cleaning from the most common harmful substances.
Average cost of water filters for private houses
Prices for water filters in private houses and apartments may vary. If you compare the most famous manufacturers, you can understand the average dependence. Filters with reverse osmosis are taken as an example.
Brand | Average cost in Russia, rubles |
Atoll | 19000 |
Geyser | 16000 |
Aquaphor | 11000 |
New Water | 10000 |
Of course, all prices are in average equivalent, but this table is able to show an approximate concept.
It turns out that it is not so difficult to buy a water filter for a country house, cottage or apartment. After all, the cost of such equipment is low. And in general, is it worth saving on health?
Related article:
Which water filters are better for the sink? A separate publication provides useful information on the criteria for choosing a water filter and their types.
There is no doubt that water filtration in a house or apartment is necessary. The main thing is to decide how to do it. We hope that based on the information we have provided today, our dear reader will make the right choice. If something remains unclear, then you can always ask us a question. You can rest assured that we will always answer it as fully and comprehensively as our knowledge allows. Write, communicate, post messages about your experience! After all, he can be useful to someone!
And finally, by tradition, a small video on the topic.