How to calculate the area of a room: professional advice and basic rules
Repairs in any room requires significant financial investments. You can reduce your costs by purchasing the optimal amount of material. To do this, you need to know exactly the dimensions and features of a particular room. This will avoid the situation when, after the end of the work, a certain amount of wallpaper or laminate remains, which is difficult to use when decorating another room. Not everyone knows how to calculate the area of a room if its shape is different from the correct one. A sector, semicircle or trapezoid can create difficulties in the calculation for those who graduated from school long ago or poorly mastered the course of mathematics. However, remembering the basic formulas, it will not be difficult to cope with the task.
The content of the article
- 1 How to calculate a square meter: nuances that you should definitely know
- 2 How to calculate the area: remember the basic formulas
- 3 Calculator for calculating the area of a triangular room
- 4 Calculator for calculating the area of a quadrangular room
- 5 How to calculate the area of a room: practical advice and recommendations will help
- 6 How to calculate the area of the walls: our recommendations will help you
- 7 Video: how to calculate the area of the walls
How to calculate a square meter: nuances that you should definitely know
Most often, when specifying the square of the packaging of a particular building material, the manufacturer gives square meters. The SI system is adopted in many countries. How to calculate a square meter? You can draw a square with a meter side. In this case, the surface outlined by this square will be equal to a square meter. Most measuring devices allow you to get measurement results immediately in square meters.
In addition to square meters, you can use other units of measurement. With an online calculator, calculating square meters is greatly simplified.However, if desired, the translation can be done independently, by multiplying the existing value by the appropriate coefficient, you can find the desired value. First you need to define with a new unit of measurement. If this:
- Feet. We use a coefficient of 0.093. This ratio is typical for square units. After calculating the linear values in feet and getting the value in feet, multiply the squared by 0.093 to get the new squared value expressed in square meters. If the calculation is done correctly, the numerical expression for the area should decrease. If increased requirements are imposed on the accuracy of calculations, it is better to use 0.092903 instead of the coefficient 0.093;
- Yards. The coefficient is 0.84. Conversion of kernels to square meters is performed according to the algorithm described above. For more accurate calculations, you can use the correction factor 0.83613;
- Acres. When calculating the square of a room, such units are rarely used, since one acre is equal to 4050 square meters. However, if necessary, the translation can be done using a correction factor of 4050 (4046.9 for a more accurate calculation).
Other units are also possible. When translating the area, it is important to remember that we are talking about squares, and therefore not the ratio of linear dimensions is used, but areas. It is quite easy to find the correction factor in this case. If it is known that the meter and the desired unit of measurement are related as a coefficient K, then the correction factor will be numerically equal to K².
Note! Using online calculators, square meters can be easily converted to any other unit of measurement in a fraction of a second, avoiding complex calculations.
How to calculate the area: remember the basic formulas
Many are interested in how to find out the area of a particular room, knowing its linear dimensions. At first glance, the calculation may seem too time consuming. Many people prefer to seek help from specialists, believing that in this case it will be possible to avoid mistakes. If you don't want to pay money for work that you can easily do yourself, you should remember the basic formulas for calculating the area. With their help, it will be possible to calculate the quadrature of any room.
Everyone can easily answer how to calculate the area of a rectangular or square surface. Triangular, round or segment-shaped can cause some difficulties. Having updated your knowledge, you can immediately start calculating the area of a room of a simple form.
Knowing the order of calculating simple ones, it is easy to understand how to calculate the area of a complex surface. Even the most intricate figure can be divided into many simple ones, and then, having performed the calculation of each, find the total value.
How to calculate the area of a triangle: using proven formulas
A triangular room is rare. However, if the room has a non-standard layout, it is mentally divided into simple figures, one of which may be a triangle. How is the area of a triangle calculated? Simple enough. All calculations can be done independently or using an online calculator.
To calculate the area of a triangle on your own, it is better to use the following formula:
S = 1/2 × H × Awhere
A - side;
H Is the height drawn to this height. Numerically equal to the length of the perpendicular dropped from the angle opposite the given side.
The calculation using this formula is quite simple. However, if an error is made in the process of taking measurements, for example, due to incorrect measurement of the height, the obtained value may differ significantly from the true one. To avoid this, you can use the more complex Heron's formula, which allows you to find the quadrature of a triangle by the lengths of its three sides: A, B and C.
To calculate, you need to find a semiperimeter p, numerically equal to ½ (A + B + C)... The area of the triangle in this case will be equal to the square root of the product p × (p - A) × (p - B) × (p - C).
Online calculators suggest using several calculation methods at once for:
- The foundation and the foundation drawn to it;
- Heron's formula;
- The lengths of the adjacent sides and the angle between them.
Calculator for calculating the area of a triangular room
How to find the area of a rectangle: take into account the nuances and features of the calculation
Most of the standard rooms are exactly rectangular. Especially in high-rise buildings. To calculate the area of a rectangle of the correct geometric shape, it is necessary to know the length A and the width B of the room. Let's multiply them together:
S = A × B
The required parameter will be expressed in the appropriate square units.
Knowing how to calculate the area of a rectangle, you can check your result using a calculator. In this case, the desired value can be found in different ways using:
- Height and length of the base;
- Two sides and an angle between them;
- Two diagonals and an angle between them.
All three methods will give the same value, provided the measurements were taken correctly. An online calculator can always be used to check the resulting value. Most often, using an online calculator to calculate the area of a rectangle, the length and width of the sides are entered, and then the units of measurement are selected. After clicking the "Calculate" button, you can see the desired value.
To be able to use these formulas and a rectangle, you need to check the correctness of the rectangle. For such a figure, the opposite sides and diagonals must be equal, and the adjacent ones must intersect at right angles. If it turns out that the opposite sides are equal, and the neighboring ones intersect at an angle of 85 degrees, then we are talking not about a rectangle, but about a parallelogram. The calculation procedure in this case will be slightly different.
Attention! Don't rely on builders. Measure the lengths of all sides, corners and diagonals to make sure the calculations are correct.
If, after measuring the diagonals, different values are obtained, then the room has the shape of a parallelogram, not a rectangle. To calculate the quadrature, you should additionally measure the height of the figure drawn to the larger side. For this:
- Mark a point on the larger side. You can use the intersection point of adjacent sides;
- We lower the perpendicular. He must cross the opposite side;
- We measure the value of the height H;
- We calculate the area of the room by multiplying H by the length of the longer side A.
Calculator for calculating the area of a quadrangular room
How to calculate the area of a trapezoid: the formula will help
Before proceeding with the calculations, you should remember which quadrangle is called a trapezoid. This is a figure in which two opposite sides are parallel to each other (bases), and the other two (sides) are located in an arbitrary way. The angles between the base and the sides may or may not be equal.
To calculate the area of a trapezoid, the following parameters are required;
- The length of the bases A and B;
- The height of the trapezoid H is the distance between the bases. To find the value, measure the length of the line perpendicular to both bases.
Attention! By measuring the height of the quadrangle at various points, you can make sure that the bases are parallel.
If we talk about how to calculate the area of a trapezoid, then you should use the following formula:
S = 1/2 (A + B) × H
The sequence of calculation does not depend on the ratio of the lengths of the bases or the value of the height. The formula is applicable for equilateral figures and regular ones. Using an online calculator, you can get the squaring of the floor by the lengths of the bases and sides. However, in this case, you also need to make sure that the room is trapezoidal.
How to calculate the area of a circle: basic formula
The round hall can become a real decoration of a private house or public building. It is important to understand how you can calculate the area of a circle. To find the desired value, you need to know the radius r or diameter d of the circle. This parameter can be found by drawing a line through the center of the circle. Its diameter will be equal to the found value, and its radius will be half.
When calculating the area of a circle, it is important to consider what size you will have to use. If we are talking about the radius, then the area of the circle will be equal to:
S = π × r²
When using a diameter:
S = π × D² / 4
We calculate the area of the segment and sector
Round rooms are rare. But with rounded corners in a particular room can be encountered quite often. To calculate the squaring of a room, you should use the formulas for the area of a sector of a circle. There are only two of them. Which one is preferable will depend on the available input data.
In the first case, to calculate the desired parameter, you need to know the arc length lbounding the sector and the radius of the circle r... The sector area in this case will be equal to:
S = 1/2 × l × r
Given the curvature of the line, it can be difficult to find the exact value of the arc. In this case, you should use the angle value αformed by the radii that bound the sector. The area will be equal to:
S = π × r² × α / 360
In accordance with this formula, the area of the semicircle will be equal to S = ½ × π × r², and a quarter circle ¼ × π × r².
Sometimes it may be necessary to calculate the area of a circle segment. To do this, first find the quadrature of the sector, from which the area of the triangle is then subtracted.
Knowing the radius of the circle and the angle between the radii of the sector, you can find the area of the segment as follows:
S = r² / 2 × (π × α / 180 ° - sin (α))
Attention! When performing calculations, the angle value should be substituted in degrees.
If calculating the area of a sector and a segment causes certain difficulties, it is worth using an online calculator.When entering the initial data, you should pay special attention to the angle unit. If you want to enter a value in radians, the degrees must be divided by p.
How to calculate the area of a room: practical advice and recommendations will help
Before proceeding with the calculation, you should prepare. Required:
- Roulette;
- Pencil;
- Paper. It is better to use a notebook or notebook, in which, as necessary, all measurements and calculations will be entered;
- Square. It is desirable to have a product with a large side length in stock, since in this case the quality of measurement will be higher;
- A ruler. It is not necessary to specially purchase a measuring device. For this purpose, a long level is perfect, with which you can also control the deviation from the vertical and horizontal.
Roulette can be:
- Mechanical. An affordable gauge that everyone can handle. Measurements are best done with two people to obtain accurate readings. Measurement error is standardized. The unit of measurement is the millimeter;
- Electronic. A beam of light is used in the measurement process. Most often a laser beam. By directing the beam to a specific point, you can get the distance between it and your location. The unit of measurement is millimeters or centimeters. Some models allow you to immediately get the squaring of the room without additional calculations. One person can handle the measurement. Electronic devices allow obtaining accurate values of the measured value in a short period of time.
Useful advice! The same parameter should be measured at least three times at different points. Use the arithmetic mean in subsequent calculations.
To calculate the floor area, you need to decide what simple geometric shapes it consists of. If we are talking about a standard room in a panel house, then the floor will most likely be rectangular. Such structures are built from standard elements, the shape and size of which are standardized.
In brick apartment buildings, the shape of the floor can be different. The surface should be conditionally divided into simple shapes, find the area for each, and then add the resulting values.
In order not to get confused later when translating the calculated area from one unit of measurement to another, it is worth knowing in advance how the square meters of a room are calculated. For this, it is enough to immediately convert all measured linear dimensions into meters. For example, if the length of one side of 500 cm is 5 m, that is, to convert centimeters to meters, the relevant value should be divided by 100.
The area of a rectangular floor can be obtained by multiplying the length of the room by its width. If the configuration of the room differs from the standard one: there are rectangular niches, the calculation procedure will depend on their location:
- Outside the premises. This situation arises if, for example, the wall between the room and the balcony is removed. You can calculate the total area by mentally dividing the room into two rectangles with an area S1 and S By measuring the sides of each of them, you can calculate the squaring of the figures. The total area will be equal to:
S = S1 + S2
- Indoors. The calculation of the squaring of each square is similar to the first option. To find the total value from the larger one, subtract the smaller one, that is:
S = S1 - S2
- Indoors and outdoors. This option is rare. To perform the calculation, the room must be divided into several rectangles. The square of those that add area should be added, and those that decrease should be subtracted.
How to calculate the area of the walls: our recommendations will help you
The walls in the room are usually rectangular. Sometimes there is a trapezoid, for example, on attic of a private house... Many people try to effectively manage all the available volume, and the characteristic trapezoidal shape gives the room a special charm. To calculate the entire squaring of the walls at once, the height of the wall H should be multiplied by the perimeter of the room p.
For those who do not know how to calculate the perimeter of a room, it is worth recalling:
- We measure the lengths of all walls in the room: A, B, C, D;
- We add the obtained values together: p = A + B + C + D.
With this in mind, the total area of the walls will be equal to: S = H × p = H × (A + B + C + D).
Attention! When determining the height value, do not measure against the wall. In the presence of curvature, the obtained values will be inaccurate.
When calculating the squaring of walls, it is important to remember that not the entire area is useful. From the obtained value of the total area, it is worth subtracting the total area of all available openings: walls and doors. For doors, sometimes the same material is used as for walls. In this case, the square of the doorway does not need to be subtracted. However, this is very rare.
To determine the square of a door or window opening, measurements should be taken on the outer sides of the box or frame. The calculation is carried out taking into account the configuration of the window or door. If it has a complex shape, then we divide into simple shapes, for example, a rectangle and a semicircle
When using a calculator, calculating the area of the walls of a room is greatly simplified. The main thing is to correctly measure and enter the values in the appropriate cells, choosing the desired unit of measurement.
Video: how to calculate the area of the walls