How to make a toilet for a summer residence odorless and pumping out: popular varieties and installation features
The toilet for giving odorless and pumping out is an ergonomic design, which is mounted in areas where there is no sewage system. Almost any homeowner dreams of such a design, since the systematic cleaning of the cesspool is an unpleasant process. The presence of this ditch is accompanied by some difficulties. Modern technologies make it possible to purchase the latest systems that do not require pumping out. A country closet is either an indoor toilet or a free-standing outbuilding.
The content of the article
- 1 What are the disadvantages of cesspools?
- 2 Toilet for giving odorless and pumping out: popular varieties
- 3 How to choose a septic tank for a summer residence: advantages and useful properties
- 4 Country toilet without a cesspool with your own hands: construction of concrete rings
- 5 Video: odorless closet and pumping out
What are the disadvantages of cesspools?
The procedure for pumping out the container is expensive and is also accompanied by fetid aromas.
The presence of this reservoir is accompanied by certain difficulties:
- there is an unpleasant smell at a distance of several meters from the pit;
- costs of constant pumping out of the container;
- violation of the tightness leads to the ingress of contaminated water into the ground;
- a drinking water well must not be installed next to such a tank.
There are several ways to solve this problem.
Toilet for giving odorless and pumping out: popular varieties
There are several types of toilets for giving odorless and pumping out. it dry closet, peat and chemical structures, as well as septic tanks and powder closets.
Structures that are installed instead of the sewer system have the following advantages:
- no piping and drainage systems are required;
- it is possible to install a toilet indoors;
- cheap consumables;
- no need for cesspools;
- you can get high-quality and healthy compost.
The most popular options include dry closets, modern sewage treatment plants, and overflow treatment plants. The choice of a technology for processing contaminated water depends on the budget, the time spent in the building and the number of residents.
Peat dry closet for a summer residence: design nuances
Using a peat dry closet for a summer residence, you can remove sewage without the use of water. This design is one of the simplest and most inexpensive options. After some processing of the waste, you can get a good fertilizer.
For the high-quality functioning of such equipment, peat is required, which is sold in the store. The composition is poured into the upper compartment of the toilet. In the lower part, the peat is filled up to a thickness of 15 mm. After visiting the closet, press the handle so that the solution from the main part gets into the lower one.
Dry closets should be cleaned once a month. The properties of peat facilitate the processing of 10 liters of liquid with 1 kg of the composition.
When installing such a device, it is worth considering the following features:
- in order to avoid the remnants of an unpleasant odor, it is better to place such a structure in a utility block;
- to eliminate the liquid, it is necessary to make a high-quality drainage system. When installing indoors, it is worth considering where to bring the outlet pipe;
- a ventilation system must be installed.
Important information! If the toilet is used by more than four people, then forced ventilation should be considered.
Related article:
DIY toilet for a summer residence: step by step instructions. A practical step-by-step guide to DIY toilets in a separate review.
Modern treatment plants
The newest cleaning devices are septic tanks, which are equipped with a large number of cleaning levels. The following technology options can be used:
- ultrafiltration so thoroughly clean the water that you can use the liquid again. It does not use chemicals;
- reagent ion exchange units make cleaning very fast and soften the water;
- electrochemical cleaning helps to lower metal suspensions down;
- the newest cleaning method is reverse osmosis membrane. In this case, distilled water can be obtained from contaminated liquid compositions. The effluent passes through a special membrane through which only water particles can pass. This element retains unnecessary impurities.
Overflow concrete and plastic septic tanks
Local septic devices will help to equip a closet without a sewer. Septic tank - is equipment for the accumulation and treatment of wastewater that enters the tank.
The contaminated liquid is piped into a barrel divided into three parts. In the first compartment, the mixtures are settled and divided into separate solutions.In the second part, the liquid is purified using bacterial flora. In the last container, the liquid is settled.
Helpful information! Filtration fields cannot be installed in any area. They can be replaced by installations with biological filters, which provide for deep cleaning.
How to choose a septic tank for a summer residence: advantages and useful properties
Before performing the construction of an autonomous sewage system, it is worth deciding how to choose a septic tank for a summer residence... Special recommendations will allow you to choose the best device:
- before installation, it is worthwhile to conduct an examination to determine the depth of the passage of groundwater. It depends on this whether filtration fields can be made or whether a deep cleaning system will be required;
- you need to correctly calculate the appropriate volume of the tank;
- the choice of a septic tank is influenced by the planned time of stay in a country house. Some models do not tolerate downtime in the cold season.
What determines the performance of the structure
Septic tanks can have a different number of chambers. It depends on the volume of the processed liquid per day.
If the volume does not exceed 1 cubic meter, then a single-chamber design can be used. If the estimated volume is from 1 to 10, then septic tanks with two chambers are used. Three-chambers are used when it is necessary to process more than 10 cubic meters.
When choosing septic tanks, the type of soil matters. If the soil contains a large amount of clay, then the water will not pass well. With a close passage of groundwater, you will also need to abandon standard septic tanks.
Helpful information! When using septic tanks, downtime should not be allowed. As this can lead to the death of bacteria and the loss of the useful properties of the filter.
How to make a plastic cleaning structure with your own hands?
Cleaning equipment made of plastic will create high-quality toilet for a summer residence... Photos of such structures can be viewed on the website. Installation of plastic structures consists of the following steps:
- a convenient place is selected, and calculations of the dimensions of such a structure are carried out;
- a trench is being dug;
- if necessary, a place is planned for installing filtration fields;
- the container is being assembled;
- the tank and lines are fixed in the trench;
- the placement of the pipeline system is regulated;
- the stability of the structure is tested.
The distance to the sewage treatment plant must be at least five meters. Since the liquid after passing through the cleaning barriers can penetrate under the foundation.
Helpful information! To accurately determine the parameters of the trench, one should take into account the dimensions of the tank, the height of the base and the size of the upper layer. Before frosts, it is worthwhile to build thermal insulation for the cover of the structure.
Country toilet without a cesspool with your own hands: construction of concrete rings
You can create a cleaning structure from ordinary concrete rings. In this case, you must perform the following steps:
- you need to purchase three hatches and nine rings;
- three pits are dug in a row;
- two trenches should be supplemented with concrete cushions;
- the rings are assembled using construction equipment.
After installation, the space between the elements is filled with glass composition and covered with earth.
Helpful information! The pipe that leads to the first tank is laid with a certain slope.The next line should be placed 202 mm lower, and the third one drops even lower.
How to make a toilet for a summer residence: photos and installation steps
Before making a toilet for giving odorless and pumping out, you need to choose the optimal type of design. Peat installations and dry closets do not require assembly, as they are sold ready-made.
To install a toilet, it is worthwhile to perform certain actions:
- a place is selected for the location of the toilet;
- a house is mounted using bars, boards, metal corners and slate;
- a device with a waste recycling system is installed;
- a ventilation structure is installed.
Useful advice! When using the toilet, it is worth using antiseptic preparations, dietary supplements and natural or chemical air fresheners. Vinegar, salt and soda can be used to eliminate odors.
Any of the described designs, which does not require pumping out, allow creating comfortable conditions. At the same time, you do not need to constantly clean the pit and fight against unpleasant odors.
Video: odorless closet and pumping out