Do-it-yourself ventilation in a private house: organization diagram
FROMThe air exchange system in the room affects not only the well-being of the people inside. The microclimate is important for the structure itself as well as for the owners. In the absence of effective air exchange, humidity increases, wood decays, mold appears, condensation appears in the thermal insulation, that is, the life of the house decreases significantly. Do-it-yourself ventilation in a private house, the scheme of which is cleverly designed, is no more difficult than other engineering systems, but its importance is often underestimated.
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Video: ventilation in a private house
Hygiene standards
It is estimated that a calm person consumes about 10 cubic meters of air per hour. If the gas mixture is not renewed, then every hour its quality deteriorates greatly, which affects the well-being of people.
According to the norms in force since the mid-50s, in living rooms with a ceiling height of up to 3 meters and an area of up to 20 squares, the entire volume of air must be renewed once an hour. For toilets and kitchens, this rate is an order of magnitude higher, and the air exchange rate reaches 140 cubic meters per hour.
In individual construction, these parameters are often neglected, considering ventilation a waste of money. The owners mistakenly believe that there are enough vents for this purpose, but this is not so. Firstly, on the ground floor of any buildings, especially those with basement rooms, radon constantly accumulates - an inert radioactive gas that must be removed. Secondly, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which appear as a result of human activity or after fuel combustion, also seriously harm people and must be removed. Thirdly, the operating conditions of any buildings require maintaining constant temperature and humidity parameters, which is achieved only through an effective ventilation device.
Types of ventilation systems: how to choose the right one
Anyone who at least once was interested in how to arrange ventilation in a private house with their own hands knows about two fundamentally different methods of air exchange - forced and natural. In forced systems, the movement of air masses is carried out under the action of electric fans, while natural air exchange uses the laws of physics - gravity and the principles of gas expansion.
Natural ventilation
A typical solution used in apartment buildings is a vertical ventilation duct overlooking the roof. For private houses, this option is also ideal, but the box must be laid out by the project and installed during the construction phase. This box is supplied with ventilation hoses from all over the house, and when properly installed, it has sufficient draft in any wind direction. The disadvantage of such ventilation is that it must be planned in advance.
If the house does not have a main box, then the natural ventilation in a private house, there is usually a classic supply and exhaust. For efficient exchange, fresh air should be supplied from below and intake should be from above. It is impractical to drill ventilation holes near the floor, as this will always keep it cold. The best place for them is under the windowsill above the installed radiators. When it comes from the street, the air heats up, the colder part tends downward, and warm gases rush upward with convection flows, that is, effective mixing occurs.
In houses where there is wood-burning stoves-fireplaces of long burning, and furnaces with a water circuit, they take on some of the work to ensure ventilation. Together with the combustion products, unnecessary gases accumulated in the room are emitted into the pipe.
In the natural ventilation system, special supply and exhaust valves are used, the first works at the entrance, the second at the exit. These valves insure people against a phenomenon such as overturning ventilation, when in a strong wind, low temperature, or just an incorrect calculation, the hood starts to work in the opposite direction, that is, not to remove the exhaust air from the room, but to draw in the flow from the street. To prevent this, you just need to increase the length of the canal, according to the norms it should be at least two meters.
Forced ventilation
Natural air exchange occurs when there is a difference in the pressure of gases inside and outside the premises. To create this difference, forced systems use fans. It makes sense to install ventilation in private houses with your own hands according to the scheme: for different groups of rooms - your own fan... Obviously, the garage and boiler room should have separate hood, which will prevent the penetration of harmful gases into living rooms. The kitchen is a place where food is constantly being prepared, therefore, according to the norms, it is here that the air exchange should be the most intense.
The forced ventilation device has no hard restrictions, it works regardless of the configuration duct and wind direction, which is why it is recommended for private construction.
Features of ventilation systems
Air flows are difficult to calculate and predict in advance, so the right solutions are found only by experience. Correctly calculated ventilation in a private house with your own hands, which was developed with a reasonable approach, will serve effectively. Both coercive and natural systems should consider the following:
- air from the kitchen, bathroom or garage must not be allowed to enter the living rooms, therefore, in bedrooms only the supply is installed, and in the kitchen, bathroom, garage or boiler room - forced draft;
- carbon dioxide and combustion products are always collected from above, therefore, exhaust valves should be installed under the ceiling in the corner farthest from the window;
- ventilation pipes with a round cross-section are always more efficient, since the air flow resistance in them is less;
- if there is an exhaust hood, the inflow must also be specially organized, otherwise drafts will appear in the most unexpected corners of the house.
Optimal system
Each house is individual, so the choice of a ventilation system should not be taken lightly. If there are effective standard solutions for apartment buildings, then for individual buildings it is necessary to develop a new scheme in each individual case.
Video review of the right choice of ventilation scheme for the home